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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Ahoy mates. I am selling a few NEW, still in the box, wooden Blackbeard ornaments on eBay (purchased at a local museum gift shop last year). I have two listed now and will list two more in the next few days, fer a total of 4. The auction on the first two will end this coming Saturday. Perchance ye be interested, ye can sail to the eBay and do a search fer "Blackbeard ornament" or use these links: eBay pirate ornament 1 eBay pirate ornament 2 Ye can also check all of me items fer sale by searchin' me seller name which is "bardelf". Thanks, mates.
  2. Have a GREAT time, lass, and remember.... "It's Only Rock n Roll..."
  3. Bloody hell, that 3 Cheese Lasagna looks mighty nice. (Ciaran sits himself down at a table, tucks white napkin under his chin) And a glass of yer Cabernet, also, please!
  4. (High above it all, in the basket, Ciaran suddenly jerks as if awakened from a deep sleep; his heart is pounding and his pulse racing) Shiver me timbers! (the mate's deadlights are wide open and as he holds onto the basket, he slowly looks around.....then.....feeling more secure to be in his familiar place, he takes a deep breath and relaxes) Blimey. I feel as if I've been away fer a long time, like I've been out of me body here or someting. (his eyes narrow, as if he is tryin to remember) Captain William, I dreamed something about our captain being kidnapped.....and the Monsignor....Diego, he was off in a strange land..... (Ciaran closes his eyes and turns his face toward the sun. He breathes deeply and feels calm)
  5. Nice thread. Christine's OP language cracked me up! Je parle francais un peu et tres lentement. And I can do a mean rendition of Shirley Ellis' The Name Game. "Let's do Rummy: Rummy, Rummy bo bummy, banana fanna fo fummy, fee fi mo mummy, Rummy!"
  6. One of the joys of growing older is that I'm a cheap date now. LOL Give me a couple glasses of wine or a strong cocktail and any of the following may occur: 1) I become very amourous and more charming than usual; 2) I become very talkative, humourous, and animated, letting down my inhibitions to become quite visibly 'gay'; 3) I want to hear music and/or go dancing; 4) All of the above.
  7. Edward Penishands
  8. Hold on Christine! (we kept overriding each other with our posts LOL)
  9. Charity, hope ye are feelin better. I get a flu shot every year (got my recent one last week) and everytime get mild flu-like symptoms for about 6-8 hours. My doctor says that is not uncommon in some people. So perhaps yer flu-shot made ye feel sick. As fer me neck and back....some of ye have been asking...and I thank ye. Many of ye will remember that I received a cortisone injection directly into my neck/upper spine region at Labour Day. I bow to the Cortisone Goddess. The medicine relieved the nerve tingling in me arm and hands, removed the inflammation from my shoulder and took away all the tightness in my neck. Hell, I could have given Linda Blair a run fer her money when it came to how flexible me neck was after that injection! It helped make me trip to Newfoundland very enjoyable. Over the past couple weeks, I'd say about half of the muscle tightness has returned to my neck and upper back, but so far not in my shoulder. And, me arms are still fine. So my neurosurgeon says that we should hold off on my inevitable neck surgery for as long as possible (still aiming for disk replacement not fusion!) In the meantime, he has agreed that I could have up to 4 more cortisone injections in total before surgery and we would space those out as far as possible. Overall, I am still so much better than I was during the summer, so am hopeful that I won't get another injection (which comes with its own risks) until sometime in the new year. Thanks mates fer yer concern. I be doing fair to good.
  10. Mmmm, pumpkin ale sounds nice, especially on this beautiful autumn day. Might there be any fresh pumpkin pie, with whipped cream, available?
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