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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Charlotte Motor Speedway
  2. Me ship be, The Cabin Buoy, a most fitting name fer a gay captain, aye?
  3. Hmmm, now I actually do want to read all the threads! That recount was like a great movie trailer, William. Thanks, mate.
  4. When I first saw that word, I thought it said convent, so convent
  5. That works fer me, Captain. I trust ye didn't have me killed off whilst I was away...ye know, fall from the crow's nest and break me neck or something.
  6. Well it kinda looks as if it be wearing a headpiece, William. Wicked. I'll try a piece of it. I trust ye have been well, Captain. I have yet to even peek at the Watch Dog postings (arrgh, fear of ten thousand postings there since I were away). However, I be a fearless pirate, aye, so will soon dive back in. It's good to be back here. A double vodka on the rocks, Sir! (places Crowns on counter) Gramercy.
  7. dark, tight places
  8. pounding harder and harder
  9. (silently slides Skeleton key into lock and the door creaks open) Ahhhh, tis good to be back in the Tsunami Kate. I've certainly missed this place. (Places tub of fresh shrimp and cod (on ice) beside the kitchen door) A gift from Newfoundland fer ye, William. Perhaps we can cook it up this weekend? And, (takes out numerous bottles of Screech and places on counter) gifts fer everyone. It's rum that'll make ye howl !!! I'm happy to see everyone!
  10. (Ciaran enters the TK after spending time readying The Cabin Buoy for sailing.) Hey William, Mercenary, Capt. Gage! I be headin out of port with tomorrow's dawn. Wanna do some explorin of the waters up along the Avalon peninsula of Newfoundland. Greek food! Arrr! (Ciaran sits down) I'll be enjoyin' some of these delights afore I go. William, have ye any Greek beers? Merc, darlin, ye've got some sorta sauce all over yer elbow. (Ciaran hands her a rag to wipe it off)
  11. Darling Ophelia be causing great mischief along our coastline. Reports coming in from Wilmington of trees and limbs down in numerous places, and up to 8 inches of rain there. Along the beaches up to 12 inches of rain being reported with winds gusting to 80 mph. The hurricane is raking right along the southeastern and central coastline and expected to make landfall -- possibly as a category 2 -- tonight near Morehead City and Beaufort. Forecast takes it then over Ocracoke and Hatteras. Here in central NC (I live in Durham which is approx. 150 miles from the ocean) we have dark skies and occasional bands of rain and wind. None of it very strong here.
  12. from coast to coast
  13. (The Monsignor and Ciaran enjoy toasting one another, their mates, the ship, the Queen of Heaven, anything they can think of while relaxin down in the galley. At that pace, 'twasn't long afore Ciaran notices that Diego be slurrin his words and laughin more than usual.) Arrr! To bed with ye, Sir. We've had a good day and tomorrow will be here all too soon. One more toast then. (raises tankard) To yer good health, Monsignor! May ye stay young and spry and be able to climb the ropes till yer a very old man! (mugs clank, rum sloshes around, and soon the two stagger off to their respective bunks)
  14. (As the late afternoon sun cast its last rays across the water, Ciaran looks down and sees the Doctor and Armand enjoyin' time on the deck. Ciaran turns back to Diego and says,) Arr, mate, it be nice to see our Doctor finally enjoyin' some time on the deck, is it not? (points downward) At last our crew be well and let us pray there be no more injuries fer awhile. (Ciaran lifts his head and enjoys the delightful evening breeze as the ocean takes its last bite out of Old Sol)
  15. Don't Worry, Be Happy
  16. Aarrgh and damnations! She be getting too damn close now to me family's beach cottage near Wilmington. Here in central NC we are beginning to get some of the rain bands and tomorrow looks pretty lousy. I hope she doesn't wash our coast too badly.
  17. Oh that's awful, Charity! I hope your legal counselor can help you straighten it out. What a nightmare. I am sorry that you are having to deal with all this.
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