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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Strolls in from having spent the morning down at The Cabin Buoy) Hey Mercenary, William, Duchess, PEW, Diego. (joins his mates at the bar) Arrr, the Tsunami be hopping today. I be in the mood to get shyte-faced this afternoon. William, a pitcher of Molson Canadian, please. (eyes the chocolate pie on Duchess' plate)
  2. (Ciaran looks at the poster for but a moment, then climbs quickly back up to the nest. Takes out his glass and begins looking first at the Danzig, then the French vessel. Ciaran notices a small group together on the deck of the Chasse de Mer. Focusing more closely, he sees that it be some of the officers with their spyglasses open and pointing in the direction of the Watch Dog.) No doubt they wonder what all the excitment be over here, thinks Ciaran.
  3. (hearing the shouts for assistance, Ciaran takes his leave of Captain Red Wake and dashes back to the deck)
  4. (Out of breath from running, Ciaran at last finds Captain William.) Sir! Forgive me interruption! Three bodies have been found in the water! Ye are needed on deck, Sir, as soon as possible.
  5. (Mr. PEW's words to Ciaran had been very true. The Lookout's eyes were being tested by the black of night. From aloft the torches did little to light the night and the ocean remained an inky darkness far below. Hearing Diego's shouts, Ciaran strains to see what has been found in the water.)
  6. (Ciaran quietly enters the bar, after a night of heavy drinkin' at Lady Snow's birthday party. Knowin' that there'll be more partyin' today -- it be Captain Tito's birthday -- Ciaran decides he best be getting a blast of energy and strength.) William, Happy Labour Day to ye, Captain. Might ye be able to mix up a power smoothie fer me, preferrably loaded with blueberries?
  7. (a gentle breeze carries the aromatic smell of cheese down the street from the Tsunami Kate to the wharves. Ciaran takes a deep breath and is drawn back up the street, into the Pub, down the corridor to the TK.) Arrr! Cheese blintzes! I'll have a double order, please, William!
  8. (Ciaran wanders in to the TK this Sunday mornin'. Pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down at a table to read some charts.) Arr, too quiet in the Pub today. Maybe I'll go down to the wharves and take The Cabin Buoy out into the harbour fer the day. Haven't sailed me ship in ages. (finishes his coffee, stuffs the charts in his coat, leaves coins on the table and departs)
  9. My understanding, Sophia, is that the disk replacement can only be used on disks that have not been fused. I also think that I understood my neurosurgeon to say that the FDA trials will only be allowed on folks who have had no fusing done anywhere in their backs. In time, though, once the trials are complete and this technology is approved, they will allow folks who have had some fusing to use the disk replacement on unfused disks in need of repair. Here is a link to the site that my neurosurgeon has had me look over. It's quite extensive, yet very encouraging. Spine Universe
  10. Feeling SPECTACULAR! I had the cortisone injection into my neck yesterday, which my neurosurgeon and I have agreed to as a 'buying of time' measure. I have two very bad disks in my neck that are in need of surgery but we are trying to hold out until the FDA releases trials of cervical disk replacement here in the States (been in Europe a couple years with great results). I am a candidate for the trials as soon as they are available. I don't want to have the traditional fusing of disks in my neck if possible. So, anyway, went yesterday for my first ever cortisone injection. It was a bit uncomfortable during the procedure, and I was completely wiped out for the rest of the day and night, but today am feeling the best I have in months. Almost euphoric. I know it is only a temporary measure, but am very pleased with the results. Thanks mates for all the well wishes ye had sent.
  11. (Ciaran remained steadily at his position in the basket during the storm. He loved the wind, the rain, and the fantastic listing to and fro. But the lightning he did not enjoy. It crashed and hissed around the ship and Ciaran felt like the gods must enjoy hurling lightning bolts at sitting ducks -- good target practice for 'em. But Ciaran smiled as he remembered that he had named Cannon 13 in honour of Zeus, god of lightning. That must surely be worth something. He breathed deeply and felt safe.)
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