(Ciaran swung down from the mast to stand beside Mister PEW)
"Yer rifle, Sir," he said, as he handed the cold-barreled weapon back to the Master-at-Arms.
"Tis a bit o'a shame I didn't get to use it, but under the circumstances I have no regrets. What a bastard that little man, er... Gaultier....was!"
(At this moment, the Lookout and Mr. PEW, made room as Armand et Doctor Fitzgerald walked smartly past. It was obvious that Armand was now leaving ship, as he carried a small chest; every mate on board had heard the rumour that he would not be sailing out with us.
Ciaran had n'er had much interaction with the man, although he had always found Armand's presence aboard the Watch Dog to bring back the happy memories of schooling in France that Ciaran held deep inside.
As the couple passed, Ciaran simply nodded and whispered, "Au revoir, monsieur".)