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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. peanut butter crackers and Diet Sprite
  2. Arr, thank ye, mate. ^ Captain Jack hosts the best kitchen I know of to go a'courtin' in.
  3. I remember going to college....I think.
  4. ^ currently has 58 'myspace' friends.
  5. I find that if ye drink enough rum, Jack, ye can magically dodge those sponges, or at least not feel them when they hit!
  6. Been kickin' butt again, 'eh?
  7. Ye be lookin' a little wet around the ears there, Jack! Well, Lady Snow and I are hoping that William has some sponge cake. And there be a bathtub o'er there behind that screen, but I'd advise against walking that way. Captain Siren is hurling wet sponges, but ye've already discovered that! Join us fer a drink, matey? I'll buy.
  8. (Ciaran leans slightly forward as a sponge flies past) Hmmm, William, have ye any sponge cake tonight?
  9. Retreat back to the bathtub and get that rubber duckie bird.
  10. I do not like coconut. (arrgh! gag! puke!)
  11. Stinky cheese on bread? No, thanks, I'll pass.
  12. My eyes and sinuses are beginning to really feel the effects of the pollen that is turning everything yellow. Spring be exploding here!
  13. Ah, hard tack and ham will suit me fine. Gramercy. (Ciaran seated himself, with a cup of Mr. Gage's hot coffee, on a small wooden bench) Tis good to be back on the open water, is it not, Lazarus? I had my fill of La Margarita.
  14. Goin' to the grocer now to buy bananas!!!
  15. Wolfe were wearin' sheep's clothing.
  16. (Ciaran awakened from the slumber of the dead -- his first solidly sound sleep in many days. As he swung off his hammock onto the wooden floor, he stretched and yawned. The sun were now up, a bit o'er the horizon, and the sounds from the deck spoke of a promising day ahead. The lookout made his way to the galley fer a bit of coffee.) Mornin' to ye, Mister Gage. What can ye offer a hungry brother on this bright morn?
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