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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Going today like an Energizer bunny.
  2. Standing at the ice cream counter, I pointed and said, I'll have a big scoop of this.
  3. ^has a doppelganger here who celebrated her birthday yesterday
  4. William, I'll have another. (As the proprietor of the Tsunami reaches for a fresh glass, Ciaran interrupts...) Nay, good Sir. Not a glass, another bottle, please!
  5. Oh boy! Can I give ye me list now, Arthur?
  6. I hate the term 'significant other', but like being a boyfriend, lover, partner, mate.
  7. Cook yer meat thoroughly.
  8. Jes wait till ye see me big nose!
  9. climbs into bed with big bad wolf
  10. Saw me chiropractor yesterday, so am feelin' like a new man today!
  11. (His watch ended, Ciaran came down to the deck, as the Watch Dog began her outward journey. Arr, it felt good to be movin', to be leavin' La Margarita behind. As the ship made her way out o'the harbour, Ciaran stood at the railing, watchin' as the lights of the town became jes flickers, twinklin' like the stars o'r head. Deeply the lookout breathed in the salty aire. He could see that the Captain were busy discussin' matters with the Quartermaster, Masters Fitch and McGuinty, and others who demanded his attention. Ciaran walked close enough fer William to see him and simply nodded at the Captain, a gesture to let him know that Ciaran would be available at the Captain's convenience. He then walked back to the railing as the ship's momentum gained.)
  12. Little Red Riding Hood
  13. (Just as his replacement were climbin' up the ropes, Ciaran spots two figures racin' back toward the ship.) "Captain, here come McGuinty and Fitch."
  14. We will be there, when we get there.
  15. Bond were set at 500 pounds.
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