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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Welcome to the Pub, Freebird. Gramercy fer the drink. (Ray, I'll have a Stoli's on the rocks.) Cheers!
  2. I wonder if I'll become a dirty old man when I'm old. Hmmmm. :angry:
  3. be(e) landed upon fence of would (wood)
  4. Thru the porthole, we could see the billowing waves.
  5. (said to Iron Bess)^ certainly knows how to impress women (and shorten his lifespan)!
  6. (Ciaran watched carefully as movement along the wharf caught his attention. Aye, he thought to himself, there be the Captain, there be no mistakin' his stature and gait. The Lookout's steele-blue eyes narrowed like a cat's in the night as he peered at the shadowed figures followin' William. Eyes ne'er blinking, Ciaran silently and swiftly moved the rifle into an attentive position, in case it be needed. He then made one tap, ever so lightly, with his boot against the mast. It was a sound that no one could hear, save fer the two men he meant it for: Mister Lasseter and Mister PEW. Both men immediately looked up at Ciaran, who never allowed his gaze to leave the approaching figures. The Quartermaster and Master-at-Arms quickly followed his gaze toward the wharf.)
  7. ^ does not read every single post here at the Pub or he would have known of Lady Snow's news. (Best of luck Lady Snow. Me fingers and toes be crossed fer ye)
  8. A toast. To yer new job, Lady Snow! May it provide ye with all that ye desire from it!
  9. 1979 was the last year, I believe, that I made any mistakes.
  10. Garb was strewn from one end of the ship to the other.
  11. Shiver me timbers! Well, nothin' like a cup of malaria at the end of a hard day!
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