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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Removing his mask, I says, Aha! It were You!
  2. ^ absolutely loves his food fried.
  3. Around midnight, I get sleepy.
  4. My first car was a used Vega (when I was 16 or 17 years old).
  5. (shoutin' from the bar) Hurry up, Captain Siren, Lady Snow and I need baths! (turnin' back to Lady Snow) In the meantime, shall we order another round o'drinks, luv? And maybe some nibblies?
  6. Arr! Put a smile on me face at the end of a busy day!
  7. I was very freckle-faced as a kid, kinda looked like Opie (Ron Howard). Now, many years later, the only place that has retained the freckles be me arms and shoulders.
  8. Confused, he walked into the middle of the street.
  9. Birds o'a feather stick together as they retreat
  10. Birds released poop bombs as the Colonel yelled 'Retreat!'
  11. Garlic were tied around her neck to protect from vampires.
  12. ^ is a Mistress of Words, as she enjoys writing.
  13. Bright lights were shown on the pair and they were 'caught'.
  14. Birds are probably my favourite of all 'animals', especially crows, owls, buzzards and hawks. However, I really dislike doves and pigeons because they seem so stupid.
  15. Tomorrow (or maybe today) we shall have new words to bring smiles to life. hint hint -- the next mate here should give us two new words which work well as first and last words!
  16. Christine, luv, I join Asukara in saying how saddened I am that someone so dear to ye has passed on. As ye grieve, try to remember all the happiness and joy that yer 'grandfather' great-uncle brought to ye and others. Celebrate his life and keep his memory alive. Take good care of yourself, me heartie.
  17. (Not wanting to cross blades with the determined Captain Siren, Ciaran and Lady Snow go to the bar for drinks) Arr, William, might we have a couple of rums, please? Gramercy.
  18. (Lady Snow and Ciaran return to the TK, after a day of collecting driftwood and seashells along the beach.) Look, m'Lady! A bathtub! I could use a good soaking. How 'bout ye?
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