(His watch coming to its end, Ciaran raised his glass and took one last look toward the far horizon. The grey clouds he had been watchin' fer the past couple hours were growing in size. Dark they appeared now, although where the Watch Dog sat, all was still sunny.
Although his shift were endin', he would remain in the riggin and around the nest, as John McGuinty now climbed up. Ciaran was beginnin' the task of trainin' the lad to become an eye, to replace Diego and others who were no longer with the crew.)
Arr, John. Good to see that ye brought yer glasspiece along. Now ye are goin' to be keepin' a close watch on the Cutter o'er there, makin' sure she don't get into trouble, as well as scannin' the horizon in e'ry direction. I also want ye to keep a check on that storm growin' on the horizon. Remember what we've been workin' on, the proper way to use yer eyeglass.
That's right, good.