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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. As before, I wish to nominate Rummy3.
  2. ^ recently celebrated another spin around the sun.
  3. (While Mister Lasseter and company rowed the small craft Patricia forward, slowly making their way toward the newest body to've been sighted, Ciaran's eyes caught sight of something on the nearby land. Through the rain and sea mist, it was but a small flash -- yet it was an unnatural flash of red.) "John, keep a close eye on Mister Lasseter's boat," he said. "I am goin to scan the island more closely." Ciaran pulled out his own spyglass, closed his left eye and looked through the glass with his right one. "Mother of God," he said. "It be a woman!" John turned smartly toward Ciaran, but before he could speak, the senior lookout shouted below, "Captain! There be a woman! Yonder, on the island. She be waving a red coat! Use yer glass, Sir. She be too faint to see without it." Ciaran pointed in the direction of the beach. "There, Captain, by the darker rocks, on the small beach afore them." The Lookout waited until he saw William place his eyepiece to eye, before doing the same again himself.
  4. Keira is the new face at Chanel. Chanel hires Knightley
  5. (from up in the nest, young John McGuinty was gettin' more than his share o' firsthand experience in the importance of being a lookout. He was constantly -- aye, excitedly -- scanning the waters around the ship now, as two bodies had been sighted amongst the floatin' debris. Beside him, was Ciaran, calm as ever, offerin' pointers and suggestions from his many years of experience. And although he appeared calm, the older lookout's eyes were very busy, searchin' the seas, as the drizzle continued. Although the rain were fallin' gentler now, everyone outside was soaked to the bone.) (John nudged Ciaran and pointed, looking at the older lookout with a questionin' expression. Ciaran's eyes narrowed on a spot about 50 yards starboard.) "Aye, lad. It tis. Call it out." John trembled fer a second and swallowed before speakin', "Body, ano" Ciaran interrupted, "Louder lad. Speak with authority!" John shouted, "Body! Another body off the starboard!" (All hands looked as another lifeless body were seen floatin' out about 50 yards from The Watch Dog.)
  6. I wonder how much the Age (time period) itself played into it. Back then life expectancy was so short, and disease, war, sickness were even greater threats than they currently are. I also wonder how much more common it were for people to give up their children (to other relatives or into the Church or the military) due to economics and such. Was it uncommon back then for people to be here one day and gone the next? Basically I imagine that there might not have been the same sort of emotional or social bonds then as there are now. Not that people didn't love and care; I'm sure they did! But just the times were different from ours. Very interesting topic, Patrick.
  7. (Arr, the FIRST word becomes the last word, luv!)
  8. Am dancing around! We've had much-needed good soaking rains for two days straight now. Woo-hoo!
  9. Read the book from cover to cover.
  10. Watch the sunsets. Visit the old cemetary with the monument to the USS Maine. Go to the marker indicating how close ye be to Havanna. The old aquarium be quite interesting, too. Great restuarants and pubs abound in KW. Take the trolley tour. Work on yer tan. Go snorkeling. (If ye be gay or gay-friendly, there be fun bars, guest houses, cruises and a multitude of experiences from that slant. Key West offers something for everyone.) Most of all, have fun. Capt. Jim be correct when he says that ye'll ne'er be the same after going to Key West. Long Live the Conch Republic!
  11. Coming 'round the mountain, the thundering train made me cabin shake.
  12. Hmmm, looks delicious. Maybe some bread and cheese to accompany it, Sir? Tis a good day for soup.
  13. Sending good thoughts yer way, Arthur. May ye feel stronger and stronger. BE WELL, mate.
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