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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Match Case These were often carried by the master gunner from what I've read; as he was often called on to make sure the gunners could deliver their shot. If you check out most period linstocks they were double sided to keep a spare coal lit in case one end was snuffed or blown out.
  2. To buy some of that lace Capt. I guess I could fore go that kidney transplant I was needing :lol:
  3. Good looking tents sir ...unfortunately I'm not in the market currently
  4. Well if lack of originality is your issue then Renaissance Faires are the place for that. Over the years I have witnessed Jack Sparrows and Barbossas, Will Turners, Robin Hood, Thor, Zena, Star Wars Stormtroopers with the multitude of other characters from those films and virtually any other insane characterization attending the faires. You'd expect anything to change this go around? Yeah Right!!!! :lol: And I've got a magical treasure map to sell you
  5. Unfortunately these ranking are in a converse order ...they run to a lower scale as opposed to a higher scale i.e. and FB is low, an FA is even lower
  6. #%&*$@+++ Pete you sneaking bilge rat ....That sir, is totally uncalled for ...now I'll have to throttle you when next we meet!!! Of course you know this means WAR!
  7. Nice work lad! My favourite is the sixth one down with the fine mesh around the swell of the bottle But alas I'm skint until the first of the month
  8. Coming along nicely lass ...the pattern matching along the back seam is pretty impressive.
  9. Aye true enough but you forgot that entire herds of cows get anxiety attacks when we go shoe shopping ;)
  10. Oh no!!! Not the MUFFS again!!!
  11. We'll make sure there are pies there again ....meat pies that is
  12. Unfortunately there is nae I can do about it once it went into the US Postal Services hands ... except apologize
  13. The throw away culture is a more concept I believe ...most of what I've seen was a sense of wear it until it's "toast"
  14. Glad to see another Celt with a firm "understanding" in this life :lol: The only place I've found that carry them is Fugawee's!!! Everyone else just looks at you and laughs!
  15. The "tar" was thinned down pine tar and linseed oil so it was waterproof and flexible; thus the name oilcloth. These thin, usually linen, shirts would keep you fairly dry and packed down rather small so they could be stowed away when not needed.
  16. I'd like to see some of your maps/charts as well ...The Atlantic cast of America, The Caribbean, The Canary Islands, The Azores, Central America/Panama
  17. Great coats were actually made most often made from wool (usually worn by officers) which could be waxed on the over-cape like a heavyweight duster particularly for officers; watch-shirts were the type of garments worn by crewmen, over short jackets & waistcoats.
  18. When I responded with the oilcloth info is because most frequently the term foul infers rain or inclement weather.
  19. Silas, this is one source for oilcloth that makes a decent rain coat/watch shirt Scarlet Scareb oilcloth
  20. Just a hint of how far off the mark the rag is .....really relevant "news"
  21. Sounds legit lad ..........cities are having tough times too See you there!
  22. Great outfit for a handsome lad!
  23. Happy Birthday Lass! Hope it is a grand day!!!
  24. Aye Capt. I'm sure Connie will just fly 1000 miles to Williamsburg and zip right to the museum. Can you be standing by at the airport to pick her up and make the introductions?
  25. No it would have less than half the number of "bones" with space between
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