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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Glad to see how well Sir Slack Pox stands behind his words .... Lying Coward ...He comes in and insults all around and then sneaks back in like the thief that he is and tries to hide the evidence of his contempt for those who paid for product that wasn't delivered
  2. my luck somebody would "overload" it ....just like most shipboard injuries weren't from the cannonballs but from the devastation of the splintering hull
  3. The arm scythes definitely need to be lowered and opened, I'd open the neckline a bit wider not necessarily lower but an inch or two wouldn't hurt. Are you thinking of doing embroidery or crewel work on them? (which I would mark off the pattern outlines on a piece of linen and before I'd cut out the final piece I'd mount in a hoop and do the needle work) From what I've read and seen they were lightly boned but not stitched through the outer layers of the cover. The boning would be in inner layers and following the same sort of lines as the stays would have used; allowing the skirting to be much more flowing. Jumps were a bit more casual or working garments from what I've read.
  4. Remind me to have me and mine in the next county when you're going to fire one Mr. Roberts ...the splinter factor would be deadly from the compression when it blows Even iron or bronze cannons would explode if there was a flaw in the casting so the compression in an organic material with which has natural "weaknesses" due to the grain would scare the b'jeezus out of me to be anywhere near one if touched off with powder and ball.
  5. Salty, Hamish & M'self did not go to have the picture taken.....
  6. Yes they used the fleeces for lots of things, bedding and chair pads among them. I'm sure that your resourcefulness will find lots of uses for the fleece (shoe insoles is another use for them to keep your toes warm in the colder climes)
  7. Well done article ...One of the very few that doesn't paint all pirate reenactors as drunken louts that are a menace to the safety of the community and portrayals of blood thirsty criminals.
  8. So the US Navy endorses reenacting. Good to see that at least some good comes from our tax dollars. Would be nice to see or join in this event. So, the Explorer isn't doing anything that weekend is it?
  9. Welcome aboard lad, hope ye find a comfortable berth in these waters. For the most part even the pirate hunters are disreputable enough to make ye feel 't home. Even blustering ol' Mad Dogge is all bark ......
  10. Yes unforunately hemp suffered from a corporate/pollitical campaign of misinformation that made cotton king. With the onset of the synthetic age even cotton has been surplanted with nylon and dacron and mylar sails. yes the synthetics have some advantages in performannce but environmentally we suffer from the effects of that product production.
  11. Naturalist??? Exactly what sort of philosphical environmental position do you take Captian? However, as to your natal day, many happy returns of the day. We hope that you have a wonder commemeration of the anniversary of the day you began this journey. It's a pleasure to have you share portions of our life's journey.
  12. By midnight we've gotten about 8" of new snow
  13. Happy Birthday to ye lad! Many more returns of the day!!! :o
  14. I'm in the process of painting this image
  15. The $190.00 membership annual fee put me right off it! Buying a few good books would seem a better value to me at least
  16. Unfortunately most modern wool is over processed and the oils have been striped out of the yarn ....a good washing in lanolin shampoo or lanolin added like a fabric softener in the final rinse cycle will add a lot to the comfort level of your socks and wool sweaters.
  17. Did you have the breeches made in velvet like the ones in the painting? It looks very well done so far .....a pair of rescued greyhounds would do for the curs
  18. Yeah! I'm looking for something about 16-20 ft. and able to have double man oar positions 5-6 ft beam...not nearly as big as the Explorer
  19. For the "itchy wool" problems I suggest that washing your stockings in a lanolin shampoo lanolin wash Once the lanolin has been removed from wool it can leech the oils from your skin and cause what a lot of folks think is an allergic reaction replacing the lanolin and other oils from the fibers can alleviate the symptoms of the itchiness. You might try a product called "ShoeGoo" shoe goo to run a bead of a flexible poly on the inside of your garters to keep them in place on your stockings longer
  20. I'm always looking for a cutlass or two and his look quite nice I saw one he made for Mama. Quite a nice feel to it as well
  21. Well shipwrights are a trifle scarce in the mountains of northern PA. I'm looking for plans with authentic lines and proportions. I don't feel comfortable drawing them up myself not at least with some guidelines to follow; I mean I think I could adapt to length or beam.
  22. His Compliments, Sir. Aye, upon showin the new conveyance to the Ship's Master and him seein yer comment, he asked that I be sendin back 'is greetins, too. Dutch "X" his mark

  23. Why are actual plans for these boats like Yetis? You hear of sightings, but are they available? I have looked for the past 4-5 years and the only thing I found was somebody who wanted $300+ for a set, but you couldn't see them first to make sure that they were what I wanted. I felt like I was looking for the Holy Grail ...and some huckster was going to sell me a styrofoam cup!
  24. "Global warming" is the usual cycle just prior to an ICE AGE So stock up on your woolies :unsure:
  25. We'd like to make an appointment for PIP '10 for a portrait session with you Poppa ...
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