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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Davey there is a KOA about 10 miles east as I recall. We had thought of staying there our first trip out
  2. And that's a surprise :angry:
  3. Looks very nice Jack! Are you thinking of dyeing it or do you think you will keep it in the tan?
  5. The festivals will continue in one form or another so everyone should HOLD FAST and wait until official announcements are made. Making statements of preferences for the type event WE have built up over the past 4+ years has changed the event to what WE wanted in the event. By doing so it has been forced to be two separate events under one heading. Yes there is PIP and there is the Fort Taylor Pyrate Festival running concurrently on the same island My choice is the fort festival and it is not for marketability it is for those who want to attend... Yes better marketing could be done for the FTPF with street banners or arrangements for the trams to announce or swing into the park but that would need to be worked out by the Friends of the Fort ... Folks need to wait and see what the Friends of the Fort have to say. If PIP and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Festival are going to continue in harmony perhaps WE need to address which one we mean in our posts. The reenactors who want the period encampment and the battles of the scale we saw in '09 should hold fast and see how this storm plays out ...WE may find out it is a TEMPEST IN A TEACUP!!!
  6. I hate to say it but this trip the munchkin is staying at home since it is going to be a marathon drive both ways
  7. Let's all wait to what the Fort says ...so far this is all speculation with little facts to base assumptions on ... Without the encampment in the park it limits how much the attendance will suffer since I know I can't afford hotel rates for 5 or 6 nights in KW ...I attended before the fort was in the mix ...it was a small disjointed event with no reenactment but some street theater and no battles or educational value... daytime were spent wandering around the shops on Duval and most nights were just drunken pub crawls without direction and interaction between pyrates from across the country was very limited ... the first time I met Patrick was when we were searching for some other folks from California who we knew were staying in the same hotel but we didn't know their actual mundane names .. Patrick was sitting in his room working on his kit with the door open and we asked if he knew them. There was no central location for gathering or coordinating of schedules. So keep the faith, crew, things will get sorted out soon!!!
  8. One more reason I have to get sewing ....
  9. Happy birthday lad ... take all you can give none of them back
  10. Venice is a huge part of the era as a merchant state and their fashion sense was always a bit outside the norm so the shirtless men weren't as common as these paintings suggest ....not saying it didn't happen ...just to be taken with a grain of salt
  11. Doesn't Virginia provide every resident in the Commonwealth with 5 cartons a week of any brand they want :blink: and forces them to begin by age 9 ..........
  12. I think when the dust has settled the event will continue for a long time to come; if the event provides positive efforts toward the growth of the fort and the maintenance of the fort. The efforts that have been put forth by members of this community have caused this event to grow!
  13. Dazed & Confused!!!!
  14. So Mr. Cross when do you want that doglock trade musket? To go along with your new cartridge box.
  15. Would love to be there lad, but 500(x2) miles is a bit far for cheese and crackers
  16. <b>From what I've read the Azores were frequented on a regular basis by various ships bound for the New World Including the Dutch bound for their Caribbean holdings ...from what I gleaned from the histories of the islands the soil and weather was a bit too moist for good grape crops so they didn't produce the same levels of wines that Madeira did. If you're taking a crew of thirsty sailors on long voyages I'm sure many a captain chose to make for Madeira to take on stores. Many of the original settlers were rebels, criminals or outcasts from Europe and the British Isles.</b>
  17. The Portuguese held the Azores and there was a significant trade with the slavers during the period which had the Azores fairly highly fortified during the GAOP. They were very protective of their trade position for provisions and fresh water. Many residents from the islands later moved to the Americas.
  18. ;) Nice buttons!!! ;) Good looking work lad ....I hope we cross paths on a regular basis
  19. Most dealers carry "a main spring vise" they run between $14-30 and they work for both the external and internal springs for repairs and tune-ups Track of the Wolf I know you'll think I'm hawking for them but I recommend the one with the larger ears on the tightening bolt(easier to put pressure on)
  20. Proofing the weapon would take an hour or so on a range under some controlled situations ...I usually stand fire them at first and sandbag fire them for the double load proof firing ...... and I use the public range of the state game commission a mile from my house. ...last step is an visual inspection under 300X magnification and if there is question an Xray of the barrel with a local lab (+$45)
  21. I sent the PM with the details and when you look at the top of your screen by your name you'll see that you have a message by the number of received messages...
  22. I have several both wooden lined or unlined in either black or tan PM for more details....
  23. That's actually the only good use for a wedding dress ....Parts is Parts
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