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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. This has been discussed here before and there were images of commoners wearing the headscarves under their hats but I can't find them just now.... I'll keep looking FOUND IT -SCROLL Down for PICS
  2. It was done in period, fellows ...unfortunately I'm not on my computer where I have some period images that show the practice. And yes McCool it was done for that very reason plus some jobs during the course of one's day required removal of your hat but they wanted to keep their heads covered. It is desribed in several military records and personal inventories
  3. Good start lad ....learn to draw what you see (from life is best but photos can be the next best source) check your body positions by looking in a mirror to double check your body positions. But keep going you'll do well with it!!! I hope you'll take this as constructive, learning to observe and translate that into believeable images is more difficult than most people think.
  4. I have fired my blunderbuss from the shouulder and have had no problem even using it with a minimal aim (Took down a deer at under 20 yards with a solid .79 ball) The kick wasn't any more than my Brown Bess. And with the rampant misinformation about weapons and pirates floating around I would always take most claims by pirate/buccaneer "expert"sites with skeptisim unless they offer documentation of their information. and from what i had learned "firing from the hip" had more too do later period handguns which were drawn from a hip worn holster -faster but not as accurate as looking down the barrel
  5. also Beth and others remember that the rule of thumb is about $2000 per foot per year in upkeep and fees for a sailing vessel; so if you have, say, a 39' boat you'll need about $80,000 to keep it in tip-top shape per year
  6. Sorry to break it to you Mickey if that was an original you'd be quadrupling the price. The last one like that that I saw at auction went for over $45,000.
  7. That is a marvelous sword you found there lad ....I have to agree with Michael
  8. That is an accurate type sword for the early Carribean rapier sword. It was a transitional type sword between the heavy battle swords of the early renaissance and the exploration and empire periods of Spanish blades.
  9. Salty & I went to the local "cantina" and had Margaritas with extra limes!!!
  10. As we have in the past we'll have extra tent space for those who need cover ...on a first come first served basis (yes Jess you're spot is reserved!)
  11. The way many disreputable antique dealers do it is to bury it in a manure pile and then clean it off after enough time has passed to let the compounds of the waste take it's toll
  12. To the lovely Lady Constance, May I be the first to fire the salvo to wish you a Happy Birthday with many happy returns of the day, lass. We will be seeing you quite soon and we'll give you your toddler fix since the wee himself isn't quite a baby anymore. Happy Birthday Connie!!!
  13. That's Mister Ol' Man to you
  14. What a bunch of ol' sour grapes from the fellows just hitting their strides ...if anyone should kvetch about a snot-nosed pup it should be the likes of me, but I have to say I admire the lad's dedication and efforts to the hobby ...and very few of us could handle the rum right out of the shute Most of us made our offerings to the porcelin god and learned what we can/could handle
  15. Picnic fare tonight ... grilled brats and coleslaw and pear cyder to drink
  16. ok maddogge which one is the negative image of those "twins" ....ok mr. cross don't let that ol' reprobate coerce you into thinking it's you Happy birthday to you as I have also said elsewhere
  17. Jerked pork with steamed brusselsprouts & crushed garlic topped with Balsamic vinegar and cracked white pepper
  18. Yeah Bo I know that feeling I just got a call from the state of Pennsylvania telling me that they claim I didn't file state tax return 18 years ago and they want me to pay taxes from 1992...of which I have no records to even determine what it was or how when I filed my federal returns and I always filled them both out the same time. and mailed them at the same time at the same post. Having worked for a hundred companies over the years I don't even know who I worked for way back then. plus the ex-wife also worked and we filed joint returns but they want me to pay the full nut!!! on my Social Security ....yeah right
  19. we're bringing meat pies and some other items, perhaps some ham and a few pounds of cheese
  20. I have seen some period leather tubes used for storing maps. They were heavily waxed and snug fitted end caps that slid on over the inner leather tube.
  21. A small howitzer could have been hoisted aloft as were swivels from time to time ...Fort Ticonderoga has what looks like a blunderbuss on steroids tha was used as swivel gun in the fighting tops aboard a gunboat. Howitzers from the period were not huge guns some were sized to be carried on pack horses weighing in at 70-90 lbs. Discretion in aiming and firing practices would reduce the possibility of setting the sails/rigging alight and if loaded with canister/grape shot they would be deadly to opponents deck crew. Nothing directly in regard to this in Boarders Away
  22. Happy birthday to Mistress Diamond ...a true tresure of a pyratical lass & classy to boot
  23. One good method to reduce rust is frequent oiling of the blade and removal and storage outside the scabbard as the leather draws and hold any moisture next to the blade
  24. In the cramped quarters aboard ship I think very few women could maintain a disguise for long as a male. The few known female pirates were definately the exception rather than the rule albeit in Hollywood you'd think they were a dime a dozen and all of them somehow Captains. Yeah! and I'm the King of France!!!
  25. Aye Matt some fine workmanship there. I'm so glad to see you've taken to doing some traditionl styled weapons.
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