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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Collecting urine was also how they acquired saltpeter for the production of gun powder too ...so the bucket brigades made their living with collection vats that allowed the urine to ferment and crystal to form along the rim and sides of the vats "harvested for their potential properties.
  2. Jack, with babies in diapers, I don't know about you, but we've had a head start in that action. Hamish has christened us on many occasions
  4. Depending on the detail of the way the waist is fitted into the waist band it may very well be easier to take the waistband off and shorten and reattach the skirts to the waistband than remove trim from the hem and lining and create a lot more work from working from the detail at the lower hem. Without seeing the garment it is hard to give you a hard and fast advice. Connie, I'd agree with Michael that court gown weren't very practical for the average woman (many had attendants that followed them around just making sure their skirts were either lifted or kept from snagging and then arranged when they stopped or sat). Press gang some of those "extra kids" you have around to be your attendants! Bustling would be one approach or just shorten them ...what was I thinking???
  5. Very nicely done ...it would still work for F & I there was such a wide variety of civilian weapons in the hands of colonists from Spanish miquelets and Dutch or French club butts, fowlers, carbines, German Jaegers, Pennsylvania long rifles and muskets of all ilk from virtually every country in Europe and even from local gunsmiths in the colonies. Too many folks try to narrow the weapons that were used to a few military or popular "current production" in the years of the conflict. The common man if he had a gun that would shoot, he used what he had at hand. Perhaps if he had money or goods to spare to obtain a newer weapon perhaps he would or make due with what he already possessed.
  6. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ............. Somebody looks as though they've been hanging around Capt. Sterling too much
  7. It certainly sounds a might light on crew for a ship her size to me as well ...I'd say a crew of 6-10 would be more likely for safety sake
  8. I'll have t' do that when next we're in the same port ....working hard to get back in shape as well ...need to lose a average woman's weight which I have done before but allowed m'self to indulge in a sea-biscuit a time or two too many over the past 5 years()
  9. I've had the pleasure of sharing a jar with the good Capt'n over the years but have not had the pleasure of sailing aboard the Meka ...perhaps someday soon
  10. Best to buy a bit more rope than you need it never hurts to have a wee bit extra ...sucks to wind up short! Manila hemp is a good choice 3/8" will do the job Contractor Rope
  11. NAW he can't be a part of your crew .....NO TATTOO ON HIS WING!!!
  12. As usual catastrophes like this bring out the best and worst in people ......scammers and a$holes like Limbaugh & Robertson using these events to twist it to their own disgusting agendas. The worst part of leeches like these men is that they have the power to persuade the gullible that this is God's will or a left-wing conspiracy to give Obama political clout to the light or dark blacks of the world. I don't think I have ever been more offended by even hearing the words of men like this. Folks who will try to scam cash from true humanitarians who are trying to ease the suffering and save lives as best they can. If it was within my power these wastes of human beings would be made to suffer the hell that the people of Haiti are going through. :(
  13. We're working out the details to get there and enjoy the engagement... we'll either carpool or rent a car for the trip ...I'm going to try my best to take part in the battles(GHEEZER!!!)
  14. QJ no offense taken but it is a real stinker ...one should have at the very least a bushel of rotten tomatoes for that one!!!:(
  15. Welcome aboard lad, 'Tis tradition that the new mate in port buys the assembled a round in this pub. Ray the barman will empty your purse for you and I'll be having a large Black Barbados Rum.
  16. Watched that silly mess .....you're right it is pretty awful ....even if the title character is our own Mitch Toles-Mad Eye Mitch and also had Roger the Red-Brant Johnson as one of the pirates and I think a couple of the girls in the film have also posted here a while back :( Maybe this why few if any of them still post
  17. Even 2 folks living on disability are sending our donations ....a city of almost 2.5 -3 million people and the city is virtually totally destroyed with little to no infrastructure functioning. Simple things that we take for granted are going to be crucial beginning in the next 24 hours; water, food, shelter and basic sanitation. With the number of dead and injured and little in the way nearly enough of anything in country what the rest of the world does will determine how many more will die from the repercussions of their own social and economic desperation. What any of us would spend for a burger and a Coke could feed a family there for a week, or provide medication to save a dozen lives.
  18. Isn't that one of those launchers for the water rockets ;) I haven't played with one of those in years, since my son Joshua was like 9-10 ;)
  19. Dutch, both Salty & I will be planning on doing some demos for the event ...We'll talk!
  20. Wool can be warm but it isn't the living hell so many think it is ...it can be as comfortable if not more so than cotton. It has a wider comfort latitude than most fibers because it breathes; the fibers of wool do not absorb nearly as much moisture into the fibers as does cotton(cotton absorbs 9x's it's weight in water and dries very slowly) I usually wear a wool waistcoat and or frockcoat unless I'm going to be out in the direct sunlight in 80+ degree days. As you saw last year at PIP the weather can change quickly and that being said it is seldom for the better. I watched how in the spread of less than an hour it turned chilly there and a bit of wool adds a level of warmth that, however slightly moist, cotton allows. I have always worn wool through out most of the year having grown up in Scotland. (I'll make sure to keep wool blankets handy to keep you wrapped up in;))
  21. I'll be wearing my Bagley Originals there
  22. Clean drawers won't matter a tinker's damn if ye get yer head blown off ....cause you'll crap your knickers in that event anyways And Mummy will be oh so proud of you lads Same thing happens if ye get y'rselves hung...best that they never find yer body;)
  23. Reading your Journal was a refreshing hour spent and I got booted offline before I could post this response yesterday. Your hard work and dedication to try to recount the events of PIP in the rather comical, rum soaked, veiled recollections of an omnipresent observer to all sorts of goings on of this lot is impressive. I laud your efforts for the pleasure it has given myself and others of the events and the people that have made impressions on you during your wanderings.
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