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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. At Minooka, not Greenbush. And it is not a rumor. S'truth. I was not in Civil War frame of mind yet, had just parked my car, and Abe was the first person I ran into. He recalled me from our meeting several times in the past, but as we started speaking, I fell into Pirate-Speak. And he caught the bug. I asked him to stop before I got into trouble, as too many people would figure out I started him talking like a pirate.
  2. I will be bringing fixin's for Grogtinis... And will be raiding the ice machine to keep the Guinness cold.
  3. And then you realized your pillow was gone! Oh, sorry -- different dream. ---------------- I once had the coolest ever, completely developed plotline, super-intricate and authentic James Bond dream. It was absolutely scary and thrilling and action-packed, and everything you could want in a great Bond flick. It will certainly win my Best Dream Oscar as soon as I have a dream about that ceremony.
  4. Rats: Message received -- reply sent with additional input. ------ Everyone else: Regarding RF2... Have I added this post already? I was talking about this event to someone (where? when?) and mentioned that Civil War Confederates would be rubbing elbows wit WWII Nazis as well as with Roman Centaurians, and -- really -- where else could you find that? The person reacted: "Roman Centaurians? What battle are they reenacting? Who are they fighting? Is someone showing up deessed as Jesus?" Right then and there, I imagined how cool (and how somewhat controversial) it would be for for someone to show up at RF2 dressed as Jesus of Nazareth, historical reenactor of perhaps the greatest battle of them all... (Alas, if I were only 50 or more pounds thinner, with 2 more months facial hair growth, I would do it in a New York second)
  5. And you are most welcome. Think of me every time you raise it! Two new tankards await their debut as photographic props. I just took shots of them and will post them soon...
  6. After reading through all these posts, I just decided I think I will try to force (Use the Force...) my kids to sit down and watch some Star Wars over the Thanksgiving weekend.
  7. Kass! Help! Okay, be patient with me... I have been sewing for over 35 years, most of that time has been clothing and costumes utterly from scratch -- using no pattern whatsoever. I have been using patterns with spectacular results for (only!) around 15 years, and am not stupid, but allow me to ask a very naive sounding question -- treat me for five minutes as someone who does not have any clue... When cutting the Justacorps pattern, how should I best determine my size? A tape measure wrapped around my chest just under the armpits (perhaps I should have showered first!) with a reasonable inhalation (not over-inflating my lungs) gives me a measurement of 44", which is what I had memorized my size to be (that's the size of my tux). I do NOT plan on first making a waistcoat, although I will certainly be wearing one, so I plan on adding a full inch to this measurement to make a garment that is just a little bit roomy -- enough to accommodate most any other garment worn underneath. IMHO, a little loose will be better for this over-garment. Before I begin cutting my one-and-only huge piece of wool... Am I on the right track here? Are my calculations off? Is there something obvious I am overlooking, and should be considering before taking up my scissors? Sorry -- I am suddenly second-guessing myself. I think I am awaiting your blessing before I embark...
  8. The cocked hat resulted in a pointed brim, instead of a rounded brim, and allowing the most discerning gentleman the advantage of squishing the cockroaches hiding in the corners. ... Sorry. Actually, an added advantage: if your hat is weather-proofed like mine and you do NOT uncock it in the rain, the cocking gives you gutters, allowing you to dictate the directions of the runoff to the fore, to the sou'west, or to the sou'east. Aye. ... But that is not a historical opinion, just a practical one made from first-hand observation. And I concur -- I have worn my cocked hats on some blustery days. A slight downward tilt of your head redirects the force downward, securing the hat on your head, rather than lifting it upward and away. It really sucks trying to chase your hat, especially when it is is racing across the rolling waves...
  9. I advertised RF2 to my CW reenactor group. Let's see how amny take the bait. I am really looking forward to this... But need to attend to my kit. My uncut wool and sewing machine are laid out, gathering dust, mocking me. Let's see -- I just wore out the kittens with the laser, and my Lovely Bride shall not awaken for at least another hour (I mix a mean Cosmo!). Where did I put my good scissors?
  10. I think there was another thread about this movie not very long ago. The movie is very much a kid's adventure tale, along the lines of "Flight of the Navigator." My own summary: By some magical time warp fluke, a pirate is whisked to modern-day middle of nowhere, where he befriends a boy who is well known locally forhis over-active imagination. No one believes anything the boy says, but we are sure the pirate will somehow help the boy's mother's financial difficulties and save the family farm. A great family movie. If you have Comcast On Demand, the movie is hidden in there somewhere as a freebee. It might be under the Hallmark, or Indie listings ... or somewhere. All I recall is it was not under "All Movies" -- you have to search arounbd for it. Totally excellent way to spend a couple hours, IMHO. Hilarious (if often predictable) gags of an 18th-century greedy pirate confused by seeming abundant 20th-century wealth. When he bites into the "gold" coin to test if it's real gold, but has never tasted sweet chocolate ... this is priceless pirate comedy stuff.
  11. I already have so much gear, and more is being added almost every week. Time is the problem. Soon... very soon....
  12. Great shots, Rats. I particularly like that tankard, and what a great-looking Letter of Marque! Say, who's your propmaster? Really, terrific use of light and setting. Great work, my friend.
  13. I learned about this when I turned on my computer (Comcast Home Page), and was pretty sure Christine would be starting this thread. I loved Jack Palance. Great, great actor. Don't you think he would have made a great pirate? To the best of my knowledge, he never appeared in a pirate movie (I checked ... but maybe I'm wrong). Appeared in "Batman," though. So: still cool. Great actor.
  14. The Archangel crew has very high standards, but this is the sort of thing that would only enhance Port Washington... ...Oops.. I think we're off topic here... Uh.... Reenactor Fest 2! Woo!
  15. Perhaps item #12 should be my bullet mold for my LeMat revolver... did you think of adding extra ammo for your AK-47?
  16. What? Were we supposed to start? I must have nodded off. I have another event-packed weekend ($200 dollar a plate black tie dinner tomorrow), but as I have reported, I already have my material and buttons (photos taken, to be posted). Cutting to begin soon. I hope to tackle that this weekend.
  17. Yes -- as Caraccioli said, dreams are very personal. You are the only one who can understand what (if anything) your dream meant, by thinking about what the separate and aggregate images and incidents mean to you. Equally important, how did you FEEL about these things? (Was having your face sucked by a guy with wooden teeth erotic or creepy? Your emotional response adds to teh analysis). Another person can really only help guide you through the process by helping you focus into yourself and asking probing questions. Oh, what the heck... George Washington equals dollar bills. You were in the presence of money. Ah, wish fulfillment. You were dreaming that you had cash. Your presence caused the money to suffer. Clearly a guilt complex surfacing. You are blaming yourself for some past evil or hurt you caused others, and are punishing yourself with this anxiety over potential money slipping through your fingers... Hmmm... You recognize that only by mortgage or selling somthing you have can you recoup the monetary loss. Wait -- soothing the Father of our Country... Hmmm. Father, daughter... I suspect some Oedipal connection here.... ... I was right ... The Big Kiss Goodbye. Affectionate, but sloppy. Despite your best efforts, and your deep desires, your money will leave you. No more dollars. You are determined to set yourself up for financial failure. Oh, wait... perhaps it's a Washington Quarter. Very well, then... no more laundry money. ... Okay -- don't take anything I said seriously.
  18. Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires. And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek. You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships. It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. I cannot comment on this without seeming vain or immodest. Before I realized this was a quiz, my first reaction to the question "What's Your Seduction Style?" was going to be: Driving them crazy until they think it was all their idea... This has worked every time for me.
  19. Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I have been going crazy trying to find these, and finally picked up a 1665 atlas at an 89% discount off the insane cover price... ...and now Kass says she is coming out with charts. I am awaiting an inventory and price list...
  20. They come in really handy if you have a serious nosebleed. And you want to talk about a sterile dressing? Try finding one of those in the GAoP.
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