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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Okay, I swear I searched the whole site before, and could not find them, but now it worked. Hmmm... not bad. Not bad at all. I think I'll get myself a copy after all...
  2. ...Although just now I was listening to myself on the radio (another pirate on the airways??). The deejay was talking about the alarming statistic that a high percentage (missed the number) of bridegrooms cheat on their wives-to-be within a week before the wedding -- most often with the Maid of Honor (that label becomes an oxymoron in that circumstance, I guess), or with the Bachelor Party Stripper, etc. I called because the deejay admitted that he knew for a fact that one of his friends had cheated on his wife-to-be less than a week prior to the wedding. I pointed out that if this "friend" or his wife were loyal listeners, he had just ratted they guy out. He assured me they were out-of-state, and we agreed that, nonetheless, the guy deserved whatever retribution he may receive.
  3. Don't apologize -- I wish I owned the soundtrack. Anyway, I am listening to pirates to the radio. Seriously. In the past half-hour, I have heard two different radio commercials that feature pirates. One is for a Halloween costume store, and I was paying no attention to it whatsover, until one of the characters said "Ahhrrr!" because, presumably, he purchased his awesome pirate costume at this store. The other one probably has wider distribution. It's for an airline, and we listen as the passenger next to you is a pirate who makes too many demands on you during your flight. at teh end the announcer makes the statement that "On [our] airline, you will never be seated next to a pesky needy pirate" (or words to that effect). This makes me want to purchase a ticket, board the plane wearing all my pyratical finery, and be the most obnoxiuous pirate passenger in history, just so someone can sue the airline for false advertising. "Never," my arse.
  4. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ! Er... playing the part for fun and profit... Donald Trump
  5. Hey... I just noticed this thread, too. I never thought of looking for fabrics in ebay.
  6. A footlong sandwich from Subway... Whole wheat bread, beef, cheese, lettuce (I miss spinach), tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, avocados. Mmmm. Jared wouldn't have lost all that weight if he had been eating these.
  7. If I cook a large (or "gourmet") meal, I don't have any time to write about it in the Pub. Tonight it's reheated stuffed mushroom-and-spinach pizza from Giordano's. No energy to cook. Still exhausted after Saturday's 12-hour round-trip drive. Ugh.
  8. Odd... I can't seem to locate a "Fox Tails" discussion thread in Captain Twill. Hmmm...
  9. As will I... As will I.
  10. William? William? WILLIAM!! Oh, dear, I fear he's fallen overboard. Again. To make use of William the Bloody's topic thread (during his hpefully brief absence), I'll try to post here copies of some of the photos taken of him at the recent Greater St. Louis Pirate Festival... Including the ones where he had a sword thrust straight through his throat (eww!).
  11. Oh, will you look at me. I had to work that night -- straight through the show -- but had someone tape it for me. That videotape is sitting next to my television set, still waiting to be watched. But after reading all these "reviews," I can't wait! Maybe tonight...
  12. Amish (did you know many of them regularly eat peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches?)
  13. Yes -- Amman to Cairo. Already plan on purchasing a quantiuty of hand-woven textiles (#1 export from Egypt). Jewelry, glass beads -- check. The so-called "papyrus" available is generally dried banana leaves, and not real papyrus. You can still get the real stuff, but it requires seeking out artisans, and I may not have the time. While I will watch for hand-made papers, that sort of stuff can be had here, too. We shall see. No one should waste a breath thinking of a Petra pirate connection, as I read a little more and realized that the land-locked ancient city of the Nabataeans was only re-discovered to the Western world in the early 1800s.
  14. RF2 is in my backyard. Lockhouse is in yours. HUGE difference, folks. RF2: Green lights all the way. Already reserved a hotel room... so I'm committed.
  15. So, I have a work obligation which will take me to Petra and Amman, Jordan, and then to Cairo, Egypt. Yes, I will try to get to the Treasury and along the Siq in Petra; and I certainly intend on getting within focal range of the Great Pyramids and Sphinx (Ahhh... I have been inside buildings even older!). And I totally promise to post some photos here upon my return. But, any suggestions from the Pirate crowd? I will have precious little free time to sight-see, but I will be frustrated beyond belief if someone out there knows of a Jordanian or Egyptian pirate connection and does not reveal it to me before my trip. I am aware of all the touristy must-see stuff (although I welcome suggestions from anyone who has already been to these places), but ... hmmm... pirates? What I do know is that, apparently, Jordan is perhaps the best location in the world to purchase 21 carat gold (price + craftmanship + honesty and integrity among gold vendors). Wouldn't it be so totally cool if I could find some affordable REAL gold replica ancient gold coins there? I hope to at least make a decent purchase of gold jewelry for my "real" (as opposed to "costume") treasure chest.
  16. Did anyone find a way to access (i.e.: Preview) the other 11 months' worth of photos other than the one on the cover? I'd be more likely to purchase a copy (honest!) if I knew what else was in there.
  17. Dutchess, whenever you blow, I encourage you to touch the ball. Sorry... it's the liquor...
  18. *sigh* It really looks like I will be unable to make this event. And I am kicking myself about it, but I just don't see how it will work. Too much crammed into the end of the year (the Middle East work obligation is back on the table again). You will all be in my thoughts, and I will stand at the pier waving my perfume-soaked hanky in the wind bon voyage... but I fear travel to the Lockhouse is not in my cards.
  19. The place needed more rabble-rousing. Let's put this one on teh calendar, and try to breathe more life into it..
  20. Babies (You said "Dr." Spock, not "Mr." Spock)
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