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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Read through entire pattern. Check. Read through a couple pertinent chapters from my very dog-eared copy of Kohler's "A History of Costume" to supplement the information in the pattern, and to back up my own creative decisions. Check. Make decisions on pockets. Check. Wash the linen. Check. Pull all the buttons from the cards and put the loose buttons all into ONE container. Check. Run completely out of energy and momentum. Check. I need to iron the washed-and-wrinkled linen, and begin cutting all the material. Yes, I know I said that earlier, but I am really at that stage... just dead-tired now.
  2. And I have already purchased a few -- which is why I do not yet have my blunderbuss.
  3. Yes, yes -- you are only supposed to cup your fingers over it. I know -- I have tried. I am still doing something wrong -- or I need to alter the tip of the "pipe", which the instructions caution you NOT to do unless as a last resort. I already looked for the damned instructions, but clearly need to straighten up the basement before trying further. I am an expert in TRYING to play the Bosun's Whistle -- but remain an utter amateur in SUCCEEDING.
  4. No -- that appears to be cardboard. You are probably looking for a mariner's astrolabe. There is a guy on eBay who is selling pewter replicas (of the original one he owns) from time to time. The Franklin Mint manufactured some excellent devices about 20 years ago, and they keep coming up on eBay from time to time. These include a planespheric astrolabe and a nocturnal. And now we're going to be competing against each other on auctions... and these items are already not cheap.
  5. Yes, that's what the instructions state. It's not as simple as that -- as all you get is muffled whistle. You are supposed to alter the airflow over the bell (hole) of the ball by using your fingers, and thus change the pitch. In practice, it doesn't work as simple as this -- OR my whistle needs some modification OR I am completely incompentent over making it happen. And I make no claims as to which it is.
  6. I hope I didn't throw my instructions out when I tossed the box (it's been in its box for almost 10 years -- just tossed the box a couple months ago). But it would be in the basement, and I'm not sure where it could be... If I find it, it's easily photocopied, and I'll let you know. However, it's like teaching someone the violin. The instriuctions were a bit vague on HOW to obtain the tones desired. I can whistle like a madman, but changing the pitch eludes me somewhat.
  7. Actually, that page looks surprisingly like the instructions that came with my Bosun's Whistle. Didn't yours come with one?
  8. That's right -- Jim Hawkins pulled up Batmen numbers One and Two.
  9. A pirate episoide (of all things!) of the cartoon show "Danny Phantom," which my daughter is watching. The show has a great quote: "...brought to you by Nasty Burger. Remember: 'Nasty' is only one letter away from 'Tasty'!"
  10. Favorite character name: Mister Prostitute
  11. See? An image of the map can only be found by those who already know where to look for it.
  12. A tremendouly ambitious project, and you did a superb job. Kudos. I lift my tankard to ye. :angry:
  13. I have one... but about all the help I can give you is: You put your lips on one end, cup your hand over the ball-end, and blow. Yeah, that doesn't sound like I'm talking about a Bosun's Whistle, does it? What you need is to get Lady Barbossa in this thread. She really knows how to blow one well. Okay, again, sounds wrong... *Ahem* I have witnessed Lady Barbossa displaying high proficiency in acurately producing desired musical tones while employing the use of a Bosun's whistle. There. That doesn't sound dirty at all.
  14. Some primate documentary on The Animal Planet my daughter is watching...
  15. Adam West, as in the third guy who played Batman.
  16. Would you be so eager if you were to learn that you were in one of those shots? Hmmm?
  17. Sorry to indulge myself here... I needed to renew this thread so it doesn't slip too far into the bilge. I have some photos coming .... I hope to get even betters ones before long.
  18. Only saw two pages... then I had to stop. And cry.
  19. Guinness is beer. Anything else is pee. Really, really weak pee. Okay, flame at me if ye wish, but I simply cannot stand "yellow beer." I never considered my self a beer drinker -- I never liked the stuff. Then I spent a week in Scotland. And every pub had Guinness. It may be an acquired taste, but I acquired it. Really, I would rather drink nothing than have to drink a non-Stout (I am on my third right now). On occasion, I will have a Corona if at a non-Guinness Mexican restaurant. Or a Tsing Tao at the local sushi bar, because that's all they have. But that's when I have no choice... and I usually prefer club soda. I find Murphy's Stout a reasonable alternative (my personal taste test proved Guinness to be superior), and they had a decent stout at Bristol Renaissance Faire, which I cannot immediately recall to mind. But I am a Guinness fan.
  20. I watched Yellowbeard again on my birthday (just after my earlier post). As it was my birthday, the Missus did not once ask if something else was on TV, but sat and actually watched part of it.
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