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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. ...um... -- can't resist -- .... la
  2. A bowl of Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream to spoil my dinner.
  3. I have never tried soy milk. I simply cannot find the nipples on the soy beans.
  4. Now, now... as we all know, Pete Straw does not have a goatee. As was clearly pointed out in Port Washington, the gentleman with the goatee is Pete Straw's evil mirror-image twin from the mirror dimension who, as we all know from our Star Trek lore, can be identified by his wearing a goatee. In other words, that is Evil Peaches on the far right. -- Pete Straw (wishing he had worn a goatee during Reenactor Fest II, and could therefore disassociate himself from some of his actions)
  5. Does anyone know how to remove pieces of Scuttle Sally ass from shark's teeth? Floss and brushing do not seem to do the trick.
  6. Shark fin soup. MMmmmm.... Scuttle Sally, I must apologize again. I make a joke about biting your ass (I mean the shark, not me personally), and then you turned your back to me and squared off against your opponent for a knife fight rehearsal... ...However, from my point of view, I was behind you, and after joking about the pending bite, I saw you bend over slightly, back up a step toward me, and stand very, very still... I really did not realize what you were planning to do until after the almost dead-on swift high-heeled boot kick toward my dinghy. Really, I thought you were handing me the perfect straight line, and I would have been remiss not to follow through. Comedy = Tragedy + Time. Scuttle Sally, I offer my most abject and humble apologies for biting your ass. ...Ummm, please everyone else -- please don't quote that last sentence out of context.
  7. Ha! At last! Did anyone notice that I finally remembered to box my feet? What a great shot -- this is my personal favorite (mostly because I am actually in this one. I realize I posed for hundreds of tourists' cameras, but for very few fellow pirates. I rue the oversight). It is worth noting that this photo was taken after the storm, and the entire set was dripping wet. The cushions on the chairs are saturated. Those seated threw a plank of wood over the seats to avoid wetting their backsides.
  8. A great time indeed. I have no voice -- I think that's proof that the weekend was a party. Happy birthday again Rats -- and to ye also, Mad Dog. Regards and a tip of the hat (with a very wilted feather) to all who made the trip. It was great seeing all of you. Even the tornado was thrilling. Stuck in a basement with 50+ nervous people, LadyB and I had to put on a show -- we had no choice. So many parents pulled me aside later and told me that I was a lifesaver in helping their freaked-out kids make it through the stressful ordeal. That alone made the weekend for me. A couple of ladies who were driving away, honked their horn at me, pulled over their car, and jumped out to take their picture with me to commemorate being stuck in the basement with me. Hmm. I have some pictures, but have not even had time to review them. I took far less than last year because I didn't take time to stop and be a spectator. I sure would like to get copies of any photos that anyone has of me -- you can email them to me. Again -- wonderful seeing you all. Hope to see even more of you next year.
  9. What am I like when I am drunk? For teh answer, just go see the photo gallery at http://www.reenactorfest.com/ ... or see some of the shots posted under the "RF2" thread under the "RAIDS" section here in the Pub. I think they speak for themselves.
  10. I'm glad people took pictures, because I don't remember any of that stuff at all....
  11. As a crew member on both ships, I think I will play with myself.
  12. Oh! Going to go take a look right now...
  13. Foxe, Here's one, but I don't think it's what you were looking for...
  14. Who do you think would have a picture of the Beer Tent? Whose photos are plastered all over the site from last year? (Hey all you other pirates -- they did ask for 06 photos! I seem to be virtually the only one who answered that call...) Anyway, as requested -- I was trying to describe this to the Archangel crew... I forgot I had the photo.
  15. I made a Wanted poster of myself last year just as a joke, and planned to make some of certain fellow crew members, but back-burnered this project. I discussed this briefly with Kim on the phone the other day (she brought it up), but did not make any offer. I may still follow through on this, and send some posters to you folks ahead of time at no cost (thus no financial concern to you), but this would only be for those pirates characters I choose... lack of time and, as we established, I'm not doing it for money, so I'm the boss. My vision, however, is not for a pre-Festival campaign -- rather, it would be to post up around the Festival for kids to be on the look-out for certain characters.
  16. How twisted?? Email me privately... Me too! Me too!
  17. Scuttle Sally! So nice to see you here in the pub! You remember me, of course... I hope to get that Friday off again this year, and help ye set up like last year. Of course, it's a long way off, and the Boss is an Evil Slave-Driving Task Master.
  18. Boom-shanker (i.e.: "May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman.") Rats, I just posted that one apropos in the "Word Association" thread. Watched another "Young Ones" episode the other night.
  19. Boom-shanker (It means "May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman.") Rats, this one was for you.
  20. Thanks for the info. I see the original tattoo picture has been removed from the Internet, and this all links severed. Guess you'll all have to wait until RF3 and a LOT more liquor.
  21. The pleasure was all mine. Speaking of meeting again... can you tell me (PM if necessary) some info regarding that matchlock I was coveting? Less than a week later, there is a sudden windfall of potential spending money...
  22. Don't forget ... we also scored a copy of Skirmish Magazine! And a bootjack comes in real handy when three of your crew are Civil War reenactors!
  23. Any idea how to apply as a Member of the Order?
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