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Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts

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Everything posted by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts

  1. Woo-hoo! I like this hat section. Good job, Cap'n! Aha! I finally found the hat you were referring to, Flint! It's at http://www.renstore.com Just type FELT into the search box, and it will come up with a Cavalier hat. The pic is a guy wearing a black Cavalier hat with a bright yellow feather in the side. It's $29.95. It looks like a decent hat, only the brim looks a little slouchy. Might be worth checking out; especially if you like to do up your own hat! (And, it's cheap. Chivalry Sports doesn't keelhaul you with the shipping, either--usually.) I've heard great things about Chivalry Sports from several of my friends who frequent and/or work at the TN RenFest during its season. Hats off, Capt. WE Roberts
  2. And I agree with STYNKY about there needing to be a separate hat section. Perchance we can talk the system administrators into rehashing the Plunder section and taking out the parts about hats...then, putting them into their own little category. Arrgh! Capt. WE Roberts
  3. I believe the hat you pirates are referring to when it comes to Chivalry Sports (renstore.com) is the fold-up hat. It looks to be leather, but doesn't have a description presently. Oh, and Dorian, I believe Captain Flint was referring to the antiqued finish that some hats have. It's a bit of a dappled look. By rubbing mink oil or another specialty leather oil on it, some of the dappled may disappear, making it darker. It's kind of like when you first oil that new baseball glove. It's not quite as bright and pretty after you put the oil on, but it sure does work better. Of course, the only way to truly make a hat fit yourself is to wear it to death. Just FYI. Fear this, Capt. WE Roberts
  4. Oh, no, my dear Dorian... You must visit Center Stage Costumes/Costumers to find an OFF WHITE tricorne. http://centerstagecostumes.com And you can get 'em as fancy-schmancy as you want 'em! Grrr, Capt. WE Roberts
  5. Welcome, Iron Bess! May you have as much fun with this "festival of conviviality" as I have over these past few months! Blackheartedly yours, Capt. WE Roberts
  6. Ahoy there! Cascabel, thanks for the wedding advice. Julie's emails were super nice. I can't wait until December! Anyway, I just wanted to leave a post about some non-firing weapons. I found a very realistic looking blunderbuss on ebay. It went for $8, and since I don't intend to fire a weapon at the PIP festival, I thought it would be great. It'll be easier to get on an airplane with a fake gun, too. Oh, and my dad's a do-it-yourselfer, too, so I'll try to get some pics of his handmade guns and put them here soon. Capt. WE Roberts
  7. Ahoy, JOCKO and STYNKY: I, too, have wanted a leather tricorne. And you know how I like to dabble with my own creations.... In fact, just the other day, I found a good hat to start with. It was at a cheap little leather shop in a local mall that sells everything from Zippo covers to awesome biker chaps. Well, they also have a flat-crowned, flat-brimmed leather hat for not too much more cash than a decent felt hat. I believe it was around $35, but I'm not sure. I wasn't looking for hats at the time. Anyhow, you could just use some creativity (preferably not hot glue on leather), and make a fine tricorne out of a hat like this. NOTE: This hat was made of stiff leather, and was not the Davy Crockett/Daniel Boone suede knockoff hats that you can find for a dime a dozen. Wheat won't grow in yer field? Tricorne. Capt. WE Roberts
  8. My goodness... I have just found an awesome site for Cavaliers, Musketeers and Pirates! Go to http://www.authenticworks.com The menu is to the left. Click on pirates first, if you dare! WARNING: These pirate coats are fabulous. A little pricey, but great for design ideas for those of us who like to make our own stuff. Also, go to Center Stage costumes! They have a wonderful photo of a custom order done for the Discovery Channel's Captain Kidd special. It's a great burgundy velvet frock coat with intricate detailing. You'll love it! Take a look! Capt. WE Roberts
  9. Stynky: I had left a few instructions on how I made my Cavalier hat as pictured in the avatar, but my messages keep getting erased. Arrgh! Stop that! Anyway, basically, what I did was reshape the crown and brim of the dilapidated cowboy hat (by hand), punch two holes in the left side of the crown and the left brim (with a grommet hole punch), tie those together by running leatherette cording through the holes and then I hot-glued a nice nautical button on the outside, so the cording wouldn't show as much. I stuck ostrich and pheasant plumes into the tight little knot in the cording, and...voila! A fine hat that is guaranteed to poke the eyes out of anyone standing less than two feet behind you. Just ask everyone behind me and my honey at the TN RenFest! Haha! As for the tricorne, just find the center, hot-glue up the front two sides and the back side. Attach multiple feather boas and some cording. I got stopped several times about that hat at the RenFest. One guy demanded that I tell him where I got it, because he's a sailor. I told him, $20 Walmart cheapie hat, one drunk in a bar who sat down on the poor hat, lots of feathers, hot glue, creativity and patience. Yours, Capt. WE Roberts
  10. My name is IRON JENNY KIDD. A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr! Yep. I guess that's me. Capt. WE Roberts
  11. Ahoy, there! I must, once again, reiterate my comment about consignment and thrift stores. Just last week, I bought a natural-colored ruffly "piratey" shirt at a thrift store for $1! It looks brand new! Also, I found a cheap little store that sells fabric and miscellaneous items right down the road from me. I found a pair of pants with huge legs, like the pirate pants most costume companies advertise for $50.....Only, mine were $3, brand new! I'm going back to Goodwill tomorrow to check out curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads--anything that could make a chunk of material. After all, most of the time, you only need about a yard of material to make a bodice. And, with the 99 cent sales going on at Goodwill, I'm looking for bedspreads and curtains! I found a blue velvet dress for 99 cents last week that I am going to be using for hats and small accessories. Go to Goodwill! Support your community and your budget! Capt. WE Roberts
  12. "Back off and live." Capt. WE Roberts
  13. Ahoy there, new mateys as well as old friends! This is the perfect place to gather and talk about everything from the "normal" to where to find hats, clothing, swords, wenches, rum, food and song! Never say "fair winds" to a pirate eating beans! We hope you enjoy your visit! Capt. WE Roberts
  14. What happened to all the replies? Are we experiencing pirating again? Now Rabble Rousing is back, but all of the past entries are gone!!! Anyway, has anyone voted on who's who in the pirate competition? Someone (Jamaica Rose?) said she has put one in the NQG magazine. Which one was it? Does anyone know? Will anyone tell me? Please? It's killing me!!! Ahhh! Time to go for now But I wonder where and how There once was a man Whose name was Stan Who, low and Behold, married a cow. Her name was MaryLou A black heifer with eyes of blue When they had brats, The problem was that Should they stand on all fours or just two? Best I can do this late and with no sleep... Until later, my fine piratey pals, Capt. WE Roberts
  15. Come to Tennessee! We don't have any seawater, but we have a pretty decent sized river. We also have Nashville shores, for those who like the sandy approach. Of course, don't forget what Tennessee is best known for...music!!!! Take a trip to downtown Nashville and visit 2nd Avenue! It's the best place if you're on a budget. None of the bars in that area make you pay cover charge, but some occasionally pass a hat for tips. Check out Mulligan's Irish Pub on 2nd Avenue. It's the best place for a good, cold glass of Guinness Stout and some awesome Irish music played by the Sportin' Paddy Band. They also have an incredible stuffed baked chicken and twice baked potatoes dish! Mmmm! Also, don't forget to check out the goings on at TPAC (Tennessee Performing Arts Center) and the Gaylord Entertainment Center. Have fun, and look for me! Capt. WE Roberts
  16. Apparently, fifteen of my replies have been kicked off for some reason. Anyway, I had left a message regarding finding some blank powder horns and some finished out powder horns on ebay. Just search powder horn or powder flask. Capt. WE Roberts
  17. Oh! And there were a few dresses at Hot Topic that appeared to look REMOTELY period. You may have to do a little adjusting to make it better, but some of them look like they have potential. Also, they used to carry a jacket that was a type of frock coat. It was a beautiful black brocade with fancy silver buttons and an elegant cut that would make any salty sea dog look respectable...if that's what you want. Also, you could add button plackets and different buttons and turned-back cuffs at the ends of the sleeves for a captain's jacket. There is also a website called pyramidcollection.com. It may still have the same jacket. Capt. WE Roberts
  18. I have also checked out the Hot Topic site. For us pirate gals, they have a pair of Mary Jane shoes with skull and crossbone buckles. Also, they have various baby tees with a skull and crossbones. Also, skull and crossbones patches and I believe I saw a purse with a skull and crossbones. Anyhow, check out Hot Topic website for more details. Capt. WE Roberts
  19. Just thought I'd drop a note... Brethren of the Coast website has a page loaded with links on where to find pirate garb, pirate swords and other piratical stuff. Some of the swords I looked at looked pretty good, though I'd have to hold it in my hand to see for sure. Capt. WE Roberts
  20. I just finished watching "The Crimson Pirate." Although some of it is a little goofy...a little campy, it was an enjoyable film, if you like pirate movies. The costumes are colorful, and the pirates seemed to have fun. Capt. WE Roberts
  21. Mine told me I was a pirate. Though, I couldn't access the names and characteristics page. Capt. WE Roberts
  22. Here's another poem about pirates, written by yours truly. This one was already listed once in the pirate's poem with Captain William, I believe... "THE PIRATES AND THE BANSHEE" But soft, the moon! Beautiful, yet sings a deadly tune. Of salty seas in dismal gray, A ship on the horizon tacks its way Unaware of impending doom. The silver orb shining on high Ruby red gossamer blankets the sky Like prophecy spelled in ancient runes Blood was painted across the moon Through murky waters of dangers unknown, From out of nowhere, a hideous moan! Through darkness waits the light of day For forty pirates in harm's way, Who wander the sea alone. A tale was told by a survivor found-- The lucky one who didn't drown. He was the only one spared and left By the banshee with the scream of death, Who'd kill you with one sound. He told a tale of a mound of gold That he and his mates had found and stole'd They stopped at an island to bury the loot When he felt something grab his boot He turned and searched and looked around Up tall trees and on the ground They searched high and low and in between Because all the men had felt and seen But not a soul nor spirit could be found Of banshees was a story told In times of fright and tales of old You could feel her fingers at your throat While she wailed a frightful note The men all cowered within the hold. A sound broke the silent sheen The high-pitched wail; an eerie scream The men all heard and then started to cry "The banshee wails and then you die!" Forty men sailed into the brine But at a second glance, there were 39 It was just as they had all once feared One by one they disappeared Except for the one, who told this line This story told is his tale, Of an eerie woman tattered and pale. In frightful time and fraught with dread, Thirty nine men all were dead. Forewarned only by a ghastly wail. She laid her hands upon your throat And killed you with one evil note The lone survivor that was left Was only spared because he was deaf I stood and stared in stunned amazement How could anyone have lived this torment? Ah, you wonder if this tale is true I can attest to its due Though times and trials this story bent. A thousand times this legend I hear Scripted just right to embody fear And now I know the horror first hand A specter sent from a demon land Now I sense the banshee is near A creeping death, a writhing pain Written in the bloody rain Coming to terms with death imposing Going blind from fog enclosing I feel the breath upon my neck Blackness creeping, phantoms beck As darkness falls, I feel her calling Going down, I feel me falling And I turn to see... Ahhhh! (SCREAM) Capt. WE Roberts
  23. Aye, Capt. Flint. I would have to agree with you on that one. Not one single vote for either of us. I'm rather disappointed that no one else has joined in other than Captain Weaver, and now the good Captain's gone as well! JOIN IN THE FUN, LADS AND LASSIES! Capt. WE Roberts
  24. That was sick! I'll have to tell everyone! Argh, hargh, hargh! Okay.... There once was a pirate named Pete who went into a saloon/brothel. He went up to the bartender and said, "Arrgh! Gimme two bottles of your worst beer and the meanest whore you have!" The bartender handed him two bottles of beer and called for Bertha. Then, Pete the pirate took the two bottles and Bertha, and went upstairs. Bertha led Pirate Pete to her room and unlocked the door. She grabbed him, picked him up and threw him on the bed. Then, she grasped the hem of her skirts, threw them over her head and got down on all fours with her bare bum sticking straight up in the air. Pirate Pete chuckled and stood up, very excited. "Wow, Lass! How did ye know that I liked it that way?" Bertha shrugged and sighed. "I didn't. I just thought ye might like to open the beer first." Capt. WE Roberts
  25. Ahoy there, you wet and wild pirates! I found an accurately sized blunderbuss plastic gun at a party shop in a nearby city. It's just a "pop" pistol, but I believe you can use caps as well. Anyway, my advice for that type of specialty stuff is to go to a website that specializes in waterguns or go to your local Party Place or Party City...whatever you have close. That is most likely to be your best bet. Oh, and no rum in the pistols, now...heh heh heh Capt. WE Roberts
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