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Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts

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Everything posted by Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts

  1. Hoorah, Captain Weaver! Happy to see that other pirates are reaping the benefits of the Goodwill store! After all, a poor pirate is not a happy one! As for waterproofing, I have no clue, but Captain Weaver's ideas seem pretty good. However, too much parafin could cause a white waxy build up. I would be careful when testing the flame retardancy of the mixture, though, Captain. Wouldn't want you to look even close to what your avatar looks like! Remember my explosive brownies! Anyhow, I have discovered that some hats are very stiff when you first buy them, but seem to soften after wear. You might be able to take your hats to a professional hat shaper. I have heard that they spray something on your hat to make it stiffer after they shape it. You can find hat shapers at most western boot outlets. I had mine shaped and formed for about $8. Of course, that was forming it back to its original cowboy hat shape. Since then, I've given up on it and had it "magically" transformed into a tricorne. Capt. WE Roberts
  2. If'n yer not afraid of spendin' a few bucks for a gorgeous captain's coat, you could do worse than these babies: http://www.authenticwardrobe.com Look under Pirate or http://www.centerstagecostumes.com Look under private commissions. Also, if you like the looks of the gothic pirate wear, go to: http://www.darkangel.com I believe that website takes you to a UK site, but the coats are fabulous, and they have a currency converter on the site. Me? I make my own. The Simplicity pattern 5958 is great for a pirate coat. Go to http://www.simplicity.com Then, go to the pattern search and type 5958. It'll come up. Capt. WE Roberts
  3. Metallica? Hmmmm... I don't know about the Metallica music, but then I think back to the special that I saw on television that incorporated Metallica's music with a symphony orchestra. It was very interesting. It gave a whole new depth and dimension to the heavy music. Of course, that's when they still had Jason. However, I am writing a play about Captain Morgan. It starts just before he took over as governor of Jamaica. It was intended to be a musical play, and I have a few songs written for it. If I had to remake it into a movie, I'd take out the sing-song and write it more for drama, intrigue AND romance. Most of the songs in the play are tavern-ish songs, like you would hear if you went to a pub in the eighteenth century. Of course, if I bent it to movie scale, I would definitely use some sweeping epic score. Danny Elfman would be my choice in the music department. And, since Laird Cregar (Morgan from "The Black Swan") isn't around, I guess I'd have to think very hard about who could fill such large shoes. There's also another pirate story that I'm writing (about women privateers) who are mistaken for mail-order brides. I'd like to put that to the big screen some day. It's much too descriptive and huge to be put on stage. There is one large sea battle, and...of course, the battle at the Alamo. Capt. WE Roberts
  4. Royaliste: I honestly don't know about nautical relations, but here's a go... "Gam" in older movies often meant "leg". Like in a 1930-1950 movie that referred to "the gal with the great gams"... So, I can only assume that if it was party time when two ships met and they called it a gam, my guess is that it was a "kick"? It could be something else, but that's my deduction. Then again, it could be an English slang. Like "fag" is a cigarette. Sometimes in American English a word could mean something TOTALLY different than it does in Britain's English. Capt. WE Roberts
  5. Captain Weaver, Taint never been out in the rain, I don't reckon. But, the way I make my hats, ye jest tip yer head and the rain would drain out. Anyhoo, a tricorne ain't what you need in the rain. Won't keep the drizzle off yer face. If'n I can ever figure out how to download pics, I'll send you a fine one of me and Bob the Swab wearing the hats I made. (One Tricorne, One Cavalier) I'll definitely try that other site, too, Redhand. Good work diggin' it up. Ahhh. A good hat site is like a treasure. Takes a long time a-diggin', but it's well worth it in the end. Capt. WE Roberts
  6. No steppin' on toes here, MMM. I'm happy to share the boards with everyone. This little corner was ORIGINALLY started as a way for Captain Flint and I to take harmless bashes at each other. But, I'm happy to see that it has grown. Captain Weaver has the best limericks on the Seven Seas and most of the land. Way to go, Cap'n! Anyway, enjoy the little corner for poetry. I'm glad that someone feels like rhyming. Right now, I feel like rhyming...right on top of the head of a telemarketer. "There once was a telemarketer Who...." Ah, never mind! Where's the Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum? Scratch that. Found it. Cheers! Capt. WE Roberts
  7. Oh, how wonderful! AMAZON PIRATE WOMEN! I'm either 5'9" or 5'10"! Close to 6' in my pirate costume! A tall woman is someone to look up to, Capt. WE Roberts
  8. May you drink lots of ale. May you avoid getting gout. May you love many wenches, And your wife not find out. Happy Birthday! Capt. WE Roberts
  9. Ahoy maties! This is a very interesting topic. I have recently discovered that my family name is directly linked to Norwegian Vikings and English Gypsies. Apparently, as I can see, by the years in which the name was recorded, is that in the 1100's they were brutal Vikings; in the 1400's, they were Gypsies who were kicked out of England. Then, the next time the name appears with any kind of notoriety, was in 1700's Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Then, from 1800's-on, my family has some records, such as birth and marriage certificates. Of course, the 1800's were the main years that most immigrants traveled to the U.S. Who knows? I'll have to look it up, but there is a rumor that we are related to Sir Francis Drake... "Roberts" is not my actual surname. Capt. WE Roberts
  10. Stynky: 3.5" brim?! Yikes! That's worse than a baseball cap! I think I might just stick to discombobulating cowboy hats. Might try to find a Zorro hat, just in case. That 3.5" brim won't be enough to establish a good foundation for a "captain-y" pirate hat at all! After all, as many feathers as I gob on mine, that would be all you could see! Good luck with the hat search, and I'll keep lookin! Capt. WE Roberts
  11. Claire/TalesOfTheSevenSeas: Don't worry about your size 11's. My grandfather used to tell me that feet were the sign of a good foundation. It helps in hand to hand combat as well. How tall are you? I'm 5'9" or 5'10"! Capt. WE Roberts
  12. Oh, what fun! A tale of such a farce! But when thinking of a seaman, He'd scream like a demon... If he knew you looked at his arse! Bottoms up! Capt. WE Roberts
  13. TalesOfTheSevenSeas/Claire: Thanks for the nod for bargain shopper of the year. I am on a severe budget, and I don't know how I'd ever shop for my gear if it weren't for Goodwill and other thrift stores like that. Sorry that my idea about ebay boots didn't work out. Before I found my pair of thigh high boots, I looked all over the internet. I tried "Musketeer boots" and "renaissance boots" as well as zillions of other words and phrases. There was one site that came up that was quite good when I typed in "Musketeer boots". You might try that route. Anyway...good luck with the boot search. Hope hubby finds some he likes. I fear I may have the same problem, since my sweetie wears a (men's) 13...wide. That somehow makes my (women's) 9.5 seem kind of small. AND FOR THE BARGAIN HUNTERS OUT THERE... Today, I set my bargain-hunting skills into motion again, and I found a gold material that exactly matches the gold in the vest I spoke of earlier that I intended to make into a bodice. The gold fabric was $2.24 per yard ($2.75 per yard cheaper than I had found online) at Walmart, and is perfect for the cuffs on my white jacket. I bought 5 yards of trim that was $0.44/yard--to make the button holes on the jacket. I also found 30 excellent gold/ivory anchor buttons on ebay, which I purchased for $3. These are very beautiful buttons, and will look wonderful with my white and gold ensemble. I also purchased some iron-on hem tape, which will take some of the tedious hand work out of some of my gear. I also experimented with a bit of the 50+ yards of lace that I bought for $6 at Goodwill. I sewed it into a gather (YES! I said SEWED--believe it or not, I did not HOT GLUE...this time!) and made perfect lace cuffs for a jacket sleeve or a chemise trim! I intend to stitch the lace cuffs inside the ends of the sleeves of a black velvet frock coat that I intend to wear at the PIP festival. Yeah...so, sue me. I'm hot natured, and I don't want to wear a long sleeved chemise underneath that thick velvet! So, I'm cheating. I'm wearing a short sleeved chemise and stitched on cuffs...just to make it look like I'm warmer than I will be. That outfit will probably be reserved for the air-conditioned areas, since I have matching (lined) non-stretch black velvet pants. Hope my ideas helped. Capt. WE Roberts
  14. Oh, and who was it that needed WIDE PIRATE BOOTS? I found my thigh-high leather boots on ebay. I have remotely wide feet, and the boots I got are a little too wide for me. All I did was type in "renaissance boots", and lots came up. If you don't have any luck looking under those search terms, go to the ebay store called Stella's Sexy Stuff. SSS has weird fetish stilletto boots with 6" heels, but they also carry a wide assortment of knee length or taller boots with merely a 1" heel. The thigh high boots I got have a 3/4" heel, and can be cuffed down to look like pirate bucket boots, because the top of the boot is lined in leather. Of course, since they are so soft, they may tend to sag around the ankles, if your thighs aren't as...wholesome...as mine. You may need to invest in boot garters or simply tie a shoelace around the knee before you turn the tops down. The boots I got are comfortable, soft leather that didn't even need to be broken in before I went tromping around at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival...for 6 hours...in loose gravel. Also, the thigh high tops were handy when carrying around a map of the grounds and a couple packs of cigarettes! I didn't have any pockets! Best of all...they were under $50! I believe they were $48 with shipping and insurance. Am I a bargain hunter, or what? Capt. WE Roberts
  15. Alrighty! I'm answering several questions at once. FOR CLOTHING FINDS: Captain Cronus, I am a firm believer in Goodwill stores. Most Goodwill stores have a certain colored ticket for 99 cents at least once a week. Take a gander... 99 CENT ITEMS: Navy blue calf-length frock coat (for women) Ivory satin ruffled high-necked shirt with piratey sleeves Natural colored chemise-looking shirt Off-white chemise-looking shirt with drawstrings Red satin jacket Tartan plaid vest with buckle closures Black crushed velvet pants Ivory and gold tapestry vest (I intend to make into a bodice) 3" wide black suede belt with antiuqed brass buckle Floor length white satin formal dress (fer my weddin at the Pirates in Paradise Festival) Floor length black and white dress (I intend to use the skirt half of the dress for a black piratey skirt) Black velvet (ugly) dress that can be used for at least 3 yards of material! OTHER THINGS, NOT 99 CENTS: Men's black brocade calf-length frock coat $7.49 Ladies black satin lace-up corset top $3.99 50+ yards of brand new soft white 4" lace (great for cuffs) $6.00 GOOD MOVIES TO WATCH FOR CLOTHING IDEAS: These are where I got mine... "Muppet Treasure Island" Tim Curry's pirate captain outfit toward the end "Hook" Dustin Hoffman's costume is awesome! "Restoration" Around the reign of Charles I in England, great costumes that won awards! "The Discovery Channel's Trial and Hanging of Captain Kidd" Awesome costumes...see http://www.centerstagecostumes.com for the private commissions and the actual Captain Kidd costume. Check out (see above) Center Stage Costumes for coats and hats Also, check out (my favorite for ideas) Authentic Works Pirate section. http://www.authenticworks.com These are all supreme sites and movies for costuming. And, if you're like me and hate to sew, all but a smidge, just hot glue. I hot glued upholstery trim on a red coat dress, and it lasted over three years! Go to Walmart, Hobby Lobby or any other store that has gaudy ribbons and trim! See our hat section for great ideas from myself, Captain Flint, Stynky, Captain Weaver and other members of our ragtag crew here aboard pyracy.com! Good luck! Hope I helped matie! Arrgh! Capt. WE Roberts
  16. Stynky, Thanks for the hat blank links! I actually found a hat blank description in Blocade Runner that states that the hats have up to an 8" brim. That should be what you need. Of course, with a hat blank, you have to trim and trim and trim to get it even all the way around, and you may end up with less. But, check it out anyway. It could be worth it. After all, it's located in beautiful Tennessee!! With me!! I mean...with me, matie! Arrgh! Anyway, you could call the number to see if you could make a special request that they send you a hat blank with the widest possible brim. They may tack on a few bucks, but it couldn't hurt to ask. The most they could say is no. And by the way, I wouldn't go so far as to try to find a sombrero. No matter how you shape it, it's still gonna look like a sombrero. And that brim...it's a doozy. Oh, and I once had a Cabalero(?) hat that looked identical to a Zorro hat. That might be what you want to look for. It has a flat crown and a wide flat brim. I believe I ordered it from a western catalog like Sheplers or Cheyenne Outfitters. I don't remember...but it was cheap. Hats off! Capt. WE Roberts
  17. Hello all! Just thought I'd drop a line and make you all aware of another movie that features pirates. "The Real Macaw" It's a movie about a macaw (of course) who speaks fluently only to his owner (Jason Robards) and the owner's grandson. The macaw (who's constantly referred to as a parrot) takes the boy on a mission to Coral Island to find...a buried pirate treasure! The macaw is about 150 years old, and remembers when he was captured in an ancient tomb of some sort, along with a treasure trove of golden tribal masks and ancient jewelry. The movie starts out in 1850, and there are several pirates there. Then, it goes to modern day (1999/2000), and the pirates of old are out of the picture. There is a man who is a direct descendant of the evil pirate who buried the treasure. He chases the boy and the bird across the globe to Coral Island. Of course, the first half hour of the movie is the only part with actual pirates, but it's a good movie that you can watch with the kiddies. John Goodman (Dan from "Roseanne") lends his voice to the macaw. Yours, Capt. WE Roberts
  18. Jolie Rouge: Thank'ee fer pointin out me mistake! I forgot that in the movie, Bootstrap sent a piece of the gold to Will, and Elizabeth stole it from him, thinking him to be a pirate. So, I suppose that Bootstrap was just a good man, which made him not-so-piratey. Stranger things have happened... Capt. WE Roberts
  19. Stynky: If'n I can ever figure out how to post pics like you can, I'll be sure to include some. My cowboy hat-turned tricorne is in the "hospital" now, waiting for new trim and feathers. I saw some gorgeous gold lace trim the other day at Walmart. I'll have to go back and see if it's still there. It'll look pretty good...for a girly hat. And as for the brim length...It's about 4.25"-4.5" for most "Cattleman" cowboy hats. Some others can be up to 5.5". However, if you're looking for 6-8", cowboy hats may not be your best bet. I did, however, find a Deluxe Buccaneer hat on a Halloween Costume site online. All I did was type in Deluxe Pirate Hat in the search engine, and I found it. It was red velour-velvet, and it looked pretty nice. No work needed. Another thought...a Zorro hat (wide brim, flat crown). Might make a decent Cavalier hat. It's better than paying $110 plus for a ready made hat that you could do better yourself! Hats off to ye! Capt. WE Roberts
  20. First of all, let me say how much I enjoyed this movie. I loved the special effects when the cursed pirates are running through the cave, being hit by moonlight only in strips. The skeletal morphing technique is amazing and follows perfectly! And Joshua Red, after watching the movie, I have some (possible) answers to your delimma: 1. Aye, probably hanged. 2. In my historical research, I have come to believe that the government will confiscate any riches and/or belongings from a criminal before execution. Just like they take your wallet when you go to jail. 3. During a conversation with Barbossa in the cave, Jack plunks three gold Aztec coins back into the trunk. You barely see him palm one and tuck it away in his sash. 4. He wasn't cursed until the time in the cave...see #3. 5. Not important enough to the plot line of the story and too costly for that many extras? 6. Maybe Bootstrap wasn't cursed, since it was he who adamantly did not want to take the treasure, and he really liked Jack Sparrow, which ultimately led to his death. Maybe he wasn't with the pirates when they collected the cursed loot? 7. Perchance everyone has evacuated in time for the rebuilding of the city? 8. Because the sails were already set on the Interceptor, and after all, Jack is "the best pirate." And anyway, they say a man can get farther on sheer determination...and Will was determined. Is that all, or have I missed one? Capt. WE Roberts
  21. Oh, Capt. Weaver, you have the most delightfully dark and wretched sense of humor...I love it. Capt. WE Roberts
  22. Ooooh! I am thoroughly impressed with the hat makin', Stynky! I love all of those hats. It looked like quite a bit of thought, imagination and time went into making those. I really like tricornes, and I like how you did up that hat blank. I might just get myself a blank and try makin' a tricorne for meself. Ditch me old ways of terrorizing cowboy hats. Thanks for the pics and site links! Capt. WE Roberts
  23. 'Ello, all. Just thought I'd drop a line about a new sword I saw. It was on ebay, and it was called "Captain Hook's sword." It looked a lot like the cutlass that pinned the kidnap note to the door in the movie "Hook" with Dustin Hoffman as Hook and Robin Williams as (a grown up) Peter Pan. It was black and silver. Around $25-35, as far as I remember. Speaking of the movie "Hook," that movie seems to be a good place to start when designing your own costume. Captain James Hook's costume is incrediblly detailed. The other extras dressed as pirates might be a good start, too, only you might have to pause your VCR or DVD player to get a good look at one of them. If you thought life was difficult, you never tried love, Capt. WE Roberts
  24. 'Ello one and all! I just wanted to tell ye all that me 'n' Ol' Sea Bob are plannin' to get hitched at the festival. No real date set yet. Just whenever Miss Julie and Capt. Finabar can squeeze us in. That's right. No frills, no cake, no photographer. And Cap'n Luigi, I expects to sees ye there! After all, I ain't forgot that yer supposed to buy me that drink! (Be afraid. Be very afraid.) QuarterMasterBates, I think those pictures are lovely. Hope you and yer wench are happy, and late congrats on your nuptials. I'm sure the wedding was better than being engaged. After all, who likes a word with "gag" in the center? Later, my fellow plunderers! Capt. WE Roberts
  25. DuCouer: Of course, you MUST see "The Black Swan" (Tyrone Power) as well as "Captain Blood" (Errol Flynn). It's been forever since I saw it, and now I can't find it anywhere. I have seen some VHS copies for sale on Ebay for pretty cheap, but I need DVD with closed captioning for my little Sea Bob. Fair Winds! Capt. WE Roberts
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