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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. being in northeast pa, i get to look forward to a lot of rain the beginning of the week!
  2. you re most welcome, cap'n.
  3. so fr in person, i've only met pyrate phil and rengent. i plan on meeting a lot more at faire this summer. especially pyrate weekend. i brought rengent to this forum, but he hasn't posted since the fall. and pyrate phil and i are members of the same cast. i also now have met mercenary wench and gadget and several from maryland whose names i don't recall, but hope to see them again next season. parf runs from the 12-13 of august til the 28-29 of october weekends and labor day! (i intend on being a blackfryar this season)
  4. for those interested - the revels schedules are now posted at parenfaire.com
  5. ahhhh - left mad jack speechless! i'm forever blowing bubbles
  6. ***unable to whistle - have to hum*** (it's really hard to teach our child how to whistle when you can't doit yourself)
  7. my life is a soap opera
  8. matt and i had a civil war era wedding pick done down at the strassburg railroad and had the boys done in an old west type scenario complete wuth weapons and bottle of whiskey. even made that into a wanted poster.
  9. dot matrix (spaceballs? not sure)
  10. elizabeth regina gloriana
  11. love it tish!
  12. as someone who's been overtall for most of her life - i got sick of people insisting that i start eating something! my appetite has always been quite good and my metabolism just didn't let my body produce fat. which is a mixed blessing. at this point in time, my wieght happens to be on the upper part of the range for my weight and people are still insisting that i don't weigh enough. i'm comfortable with me just the way i am and would be nice if everybody else did (present company excepted)
  13. aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh what to do for lunch? did dennis hit overnight? oh my
  14. the red duck curry and cornbread, please. and i'll behaving one of those whiskey sours. you always have the finest fare. here's to those we lost in london. i feel for their friends and families. terrrorism has to be stopped for sure.
  15. joe cool (snoopy's my hero and woodstock's my alter ego )
  16. glad to here you came out so well. let's hope dennis doesn't pick up too much speed and stuff.
  17. the 2nd weekend of your celebration coincides with the pyrate weekend here at the pa ren faire.
  18. a lady clairol blonde - a silky shiny blonde i wouldn't know if blondes have more fun - i've never had any other color hair to compare it too! born blonde here.
  19. pbs - american masters - louis armstrong love satchme - most favorite song of all time - what a wonderful world -recorded may' 1974 - one year before he died.
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