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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. there's one more weekend left for playing in the shire with us. lol
  2. it says i be mad morgan kidd. now i've been called mad before but only in the most lovingly way. and by pyrate phil to boot, but being my character is a mad apothecary, that makes sense!
  3. Thankee, m'lady, but Mad Mike will not be amongst us next weekend - he's sailing on to new ports...I'm not sure he's ready for Faire yet... well, then i guess you'll have to be bringing the fruit roll-ups in his stead!
  4. ditto on thatsentiment, pphil! would that be an isolation tank you got there, kind sir? got room for another in there. aside my back still hurting (though that's not going to stop for quite a while yet to come) i do believe your younger powder monkey be needing to bring more fruit roll-ups next week. my legs and feet are also crying for mercy too! 4 more days til showtime and another command performance!
  5. tired and sore after spending the hot humid weekend playing bella donna at our medieval fest. 2 weekends down and one more to go. us steel rose players have become quite comfortable playing with each other and the improv and schtick just keeps getting better. it's a hoot playing with our pyrate poet, his powder monkeys and the rest of the cast. not going to want it to end next sunday. charity - if people don't like the perx\son you are, then they are the ones missing out on a remarkable presence. if we're not who were are - then we re no one. hetha - i know what it's like to pick up and relocate in a weekend's time. i did it with a family and it really isn't is the pits. you knkow how to find me if you need me. much good vibes heading your way.
  6. chimneysweeps wow, someone besides me that can spell that! i'm impressed!
  7. happiness --- woo hoo
  8. i, bella donna, is just out of the shot to the right sitting on the sidelines holding pyrate queen morgan's cape that the sheriff won from her.! and this was all before you decided to take out your frustrations on your own leg. hope you're healing fine. see you saturday at cast call. fyi - there is a chance that we will have a queen next week. the elfqueen may be joining the troupe and interact with us. but you didn't hear that from me and i was never here!
  9. mad jack, didn't you hear? the governor of havana gave up rum and is only drinking lemonade these days!
  10. william, i could eat a pound of that bacon - nice and crisp - seasoned with salt, garlic and sage. fried onions are really good too., now what to put them on? hmmmmmmmm. fry up some potatoes and stuff? that with the fried onions and some peppers, maybe some tomatoes. what say ye, william? would you have some 16 month, vanilla-clove mead handy to go with it?
  11. i second your statement there. i, too, have no insurance. doctor's cost have so much and so do tests and perscriptions. it's mostly home - patch-up remedies and hope they do the job. some day the pain in my back and such will stop, i hope. until then i just have to suffer, but i'n finslly getting around and i made it through the first weekend of our faire and phil ended up in almost worse shape than me! it can only get better from here!
  12. hip, hip, huzzah on your elevation to a higher position! quite legendery indeed! hope you feeling more like yourself really soon. i thought i was the only one on the boards that's supposed to be feeling so rotten, now you and pphil are crowding my space! (just joking - and phil's injury is no joke at all)
  13. ROTFLMAO..Phil..nice touch *In Daffy Duck voice* I know, I KNOW - but I can only do it once! aye - as ye can see - our pyrate poet is a danger only to himself! gee, phil, you disappeared from the stage area before i could give ye a treatment of 'eye of newt'. i really hope your leg will be in fine working order for this weekend! the red river running down your leg was quite an inpressive sight. ant seemed to be a little worried too. see you saturday, love.
  14. i've had those prophetic drams, but can't discuss them right now and i'll seen things that i later (like years later) actualy encountered and felt a weird sensation for sure. i have dreams where i take out frustrations i have against people that have been rude or insentitive to me or my family. different dreams seem to have different purposes but most i really don't remember the next morning.
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