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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. shaken, not stirred
  2. never say never again!
  3. ***walks up on shore, dripping and refreshed*** thanks for the invite tito - the dip was just what i needed to take my mind off the humdrum of everyday life!
  4. its well, 'tis well! most wondrous!
  5. tell me, tempest - did you spy a blue ribbon (as in the song)?
  6. pphil - you can get orange julius at the food court in the stroud mall in stroudsburg. (fyi
  7. well, rhumba- i get any feathers, you'll be getting them!
  8. i haven't seen it but have heard it is reallky good. i would love to go, but circumstances don't allow that pleasure at this time, but i love the work of gilbert and sulllivan! they were great!
  9. fyi - there is an atm in the wine shop before you get to the gates onthe right. you know where you can buy all the wine and gifts - not the wine shop located in the wall of the city, on the right.
  10. sugar pie, honey bunch
  11. tried to use this link and got a dns errror- cannot find - this page cannot be displayed
  12. :angry: aye, welcome aboard benbow. i'll be having a strawberry smootie today, grammercy!
  13. such pleasant dinner company! yes, anoither glass, please!
  14. lessee - there's always the recorder (wood flute), tin whistle, concertina, spoons, lute, guitar type thingie. just my thoughts.
  15. do you have a queen?
  16. why, thank-you, sir william! you always seem to have just what we need to sustain ourselves!
  17. christmas log in june? hmmm. looks like a 'blue willow' plate under the pork meat balls. some of that roast pork would suit me just fine. have any sugar snaps peas and roast potatoes to go with it? a glass of wine would be good too. chardonnay?
  18. i know i was wishing for what sir william was having, but, truth be told, i just had mac 'n cheese. william's looked a whole lot better - medium raw mmmmmmmmmmmm
  19. take 2 eye of newt and call me in the morning! -bella donna
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