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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. red sails in the sunset
  2. pillage first, then burn
  3. and the redi-whip award goes to - drum roll please - pyrate phil!!!!!!!!
  4. good den mates! the wellington looks good - haven't had that in ----oh about-----13 years! keep up our calcium siren - william - have you a huge bowl of ice cream for siren for dessert? merc - i wouldn't let anyone straighten yor room while you were gone. cairan - i feel for you love...my back can't get much worse - have to stop falling on it from heights. william - what say a banquet tonight for the return of mercenary? think you can handle it?
  5. if things go swimmingly - we should be there all weekend, since we have season passes
  6. how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  7. but she did take it all in stride and isn't holding it against you!
  8. chocolate chip cookie dough! mmmmmmmm
  9. merc's hoping to be recovered enough to make it to opening weekend of our faire. i've got my fingers and stuff crossed for her. she has to get her parf cd's from me, so i'm sure she'll be up and around soon enough. her sister's on cast there. to mercenary, liam and anyone else we can drink to!!
  10. great pic, mwc. you coming up for pyrate weekend at parf? got a good one for you - i didn't even noticed your mate's chair til kendra mentioned it. my late husband was a paraplegic and the last thing i notice is wheelchairs. my own powdermonkeys are rennies.
  11. love your costumes, rumba! wish i had your sewing talent.
  12. mmmmmmmmmm red velvet cake! why, thank-you sir william! haven't had a good slice in a coon's age! perhaps some anisette too? thank-you once more!
  13. willy wonka and the chocolate factory
  14. ho hum, the tune is dumb the words don't mean a thing isn't this a silly song for anyone to sing
  15. looks wonderful, william. as per usual! rib eye is my favorite steak! mmmmmmmmmmm
  16. welcome back william - thr falafel looks good - never had it before, hope it's as good as it looks. would you have some mead to go with that? love the avatar!
  17. 'there's a bus out in the garden where the lads and lassies meet cause it wouldn't do to do the do they're dong on the streets'
  18. bertie bott's every flavor beans
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