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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. congrats cap'n! grammercy for the guinness! care to hit the dance floor being my partner just took to the floor with bunny? and thanks for breakfast ciaran! you are a love!
  2. try it - you'll like it
  3. as having been a resident of several 'haunted' homes - we are not alone. there's a lot that has happened that i can't otherwise explain and i'm not the only witness, you can believe what you want, but i know they are there. (and i'm not afraid of them either)
  4. here's a seasonal one: POLAR BEAR BATTING PRACTICE > Click to make the penguin jump and then click again in - time to > make the polar bear swing the bat to hit the penguin across the > ice! Very addictive ! ! ! http://n.ethz.ch/student/mkos/pinguin.swf
  5. i got dread tiller charity onthe second generator - i think i'll keep the first one - mad morgan kidd! when i'm, not lady snow that is.
  6. dance marathons be my game (or at least i did participate in a couple in college). thanks for the food and drink there, william. so nice to see you again bunny! ciaran - ready for another round?
  7. kiss and make up!
  8. when my late husband's mom was in sloan-kettering hospital in nyc, they met alice cooper when he would come and visit the children cancer patients.
  9. you don't have to ask twice - after having a paraplegic husband - it's amazing what things are a necessity that able bodied folk consider a luxury. hope all works out in your favor and your grandmother has a speedy recovery! much love
  10. fall broken by her eyelashes
  11. That's high on my list too. I have my name on the title page of something like seven, but in each case in small type. I think it would be fun to see it on the title page all by itself, in large type! i haven't had my name on a title page but i ahve had by-lines on articles and graphics. does that count?
  12. men in kilts --- just kilts --- ya know
  13. i just don't drink water - just don't like it!
  14. 'twould be my pleasure, ciaran! (cue the band!)
  15. check off things to do before you die items? i don't think so -seems the older i get the more i add to it!!!!!!
  16. congratulations on your elevation to a higher position! x21 ray - a round on the house and two for our new officer!
  17. my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. my mom is in the early stages of that disease and it's a horrible thing to go through. hang i nthere, we're here for you if you need us.
  18. strike up the band! party is on! ciaran - are you up for a dance? to the guest of honor! happiest of natal den wishes!!!
  19. too hot to handle
  20. saw the trailer when we went to see chronicles of narnia (great film) twice - one by ourselves and the other time we took the kids! it's going to kill me to wait for the release this summer!!!!! and i am a major johnny depp fan - have been forever.
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