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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. an everything bagel
  2. Aye, sit down and let's enjoy the cheesecake, Lady Snow! And, with St. Patrick's Day jes around the corner, look what I have under me coat jes fer ye -- Let's have some now, okay? thanks ciaran - don't mind if i do! you always know just what to bring! and the cheesecake is just scrumptious! now for more dancing to work off all the extra calories (or that's the story i'm selling at the moment!)
  3. same thing happened to one of my fellow steel rose players last year. weish we could round up the culprits and send them to davy jones' locker or something. i've had problems with viruses sending me stuff from my address bein g in others' books, but the atachments wouldn't open up they contained a virus. so it wasn't all that bad - just annoying.
  4. spring is arriving with warm weather (think phonetics here)
  5. going to see 'the tartan terrors' tonight! hot damn!
  6. 'days of wine and roses', a melancholy song from the past
  7. my dream is to compete on jeopardy!
  8. but matt coated in chocolate looking just so tempting!
  9. ooooh! my fave kind! (being a native born new amsterdam wench, meself) have any bailey's to go with it? i'm in for a really sweet time here. don't mind if i join you ciaran, love!
  10. wel;l;, baltimore isn't that far from northeast pa either - might be fun and could meet again some i met at the aprf last season. sorry, if i don't remember your names, but it is a fun time to be had.
  11. did someone say chocolate? matt.....come on over here.............
  12. been out of work since halloween and haven't been able to get another positoiin as of yet. not working is the pits!
  13. yay - severus snape
  14. shouting aloud, let go of my hand!
  15. side of what, she wondered
  16. of course, will do. my cousin has lkost two of her children and another has lost one. it's so hard when youth die. and parents aren't supposed to bury their children.
  17. laughing and drinking and having a party, two doors down
  18. ^has a jolly roger in his pic
  19. 60's and springlike - kinda like it was in january, come to think of it
  20. pop pop fizz fizz
  21. was in 4-h for 13 til my 21st birthday - seving on county, north jersey and nj state councils for the last 3 years
  22. hand me the rapier and stop the shouting
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