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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. since i discovered my fencing skills at the scottish/irish fest in valley forge last weekend, i'm going to just have to try my hand at the fight circle this season! my young cabin boys had an match a few years back and the younger one is ready for his revenge, methinks. up for a tournament? could really get one going bertwen the rogues and wenches and i'd say the wenches would be hard to get the upper hand on! pirate season - here we come! ~snow
  2. aye, that be our captain jack sparrow alias - rengent! our faire is running through the last weekend of october this year. 12 weekends and labor day - 25 patron days for 25 years of faire! hope to make the aquaintance of all ye sea dogs and wenches! i can hardly wait for the shire to awaken from its brigadoon-like sleep and open the gates! ~snow
  3. i haven't gotten any news yet. if i don't, i have a proposal for greg and crew and someone who wants to do it with me too. i'l be emailing gregand mark with a proposal to sign the sings at the finale and do stuff on the street slike that with children. learning to sign songs is a hobby of mine and another friend said i could use her as a resource. since we do get hearing impaired visitors to the shire, it would be a way for them to be more involved in the show. now, i have to figure a word to word it so it was be accepted. and rogues that go around kissing bridges might a little more than chapstick to get the roughness out of those lips. and why would any pyrate would his salt want to kiss a bridge when there ar so many available 'bridgettes', anyway? ~snow
  4. looking forward to it, phil. better have a good supply of the chapstick, fella!
  5. gee, phil, i'm with the wench on this one. i've spent a lot of time on the bridge too, and i would have remembered the parrot! see you this season, i hope! ~lady snow
  6. i know who your sister is - went and checked the blackfryars site. i've seen her around the shire and hope to be part of the shire with her this year! hopefully, we'll meet too, wench! ~snow :angry:
  7. thank-you mercenary wench! who is your sister (name or persona)? i may know her. mayhaps we will meet in the shire! i'll let you know how it goes after this weekend. the pirates on the lady krimm are a rare breed for sure! ~lady snow
  8. thank-you for putting this post where it should go. being new to this site, i still have a bunch to learn. i am very excited about this coming season and am trying out for the cast. ~lady snow
  9. for those interested: the pa renaissance faire theme this year is piratical. it involves a confrontation betweeen the irish pirate queen, grace o'malley and the privateeer, the captain sir francis drake. the scenario in detail can be found at the home site of the faire: parenfaire.com. should be a fun season! ~lady snow, friend of pyrates everywhere
  10. during the faire season, before halloween days and spooky knights, captain jack sparrow is/was judge wray. according tothe queen, he was still judge wray, just incognito in the spirit of the occasion.
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