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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. you going to uncork that bottle or make love to it?
  2. i get the sneaking suspicion that he's always watching us out of the corner of his eye!
  3. 'Course it does!! It keeps the draft out... the draft or the riff raff?
  4. i love them name dierdre! it's one of my faves and i do know how to pronounce it! after your explanation, it's every easy to see how you got you name!
  5. the grotto has a door???????????
  6. watches ciaran wander off and wondering what those favorite words could be?!
  7. you could try the verymerryseamstress.com. she's also a faire vendor. she's right next to merlin's magic behind the chessboard arena.
  8. :) had a friend a while back that lived very basic. just about the only things he bought from the 'mercantile' were the staples -flour, salt, white sugar...that kind of stuff. the rest he grew, hunted, made for himself with his own ingenuity. it amazes me to see people so self-sufficent in these days of instant communication and such.
  9. ah, let's see, the short version - the nickname snowflake was betowed upon me by a friend round about 27 years ago during a snowstorm with giant flakes falling on the smoky t-tops of my friend's car and paraphrasing shakespeare - all's the world's a mcdonald's, the people are the french fries and the snow is the salt. from that day forward i was snowflake and he was french fry. then - when i made the invitatins for my wedding last year, they looked like parchment scrolls. i used 'cathedral' font. my husband's screen name is siremorgan, so the annouoncements read : be it known that on such and such and so on - lady snow and sire morgan wil become lard and lady of the manor....... and i've been using that more than the snowflake nick since., thougn most of my friends just call me snow!
  10. *walks in noticing flying bodies, cannonballs, weapons..... takes saet by cap'n ciaran out of the line of fire* your roasted rib eye looks delicious! i'l have some of that and the asparagus witht he fava beamsa and morels and some tiramiso would finish the meal quite nicely. thank-you so much. i'l have my ankard filled with rum, please and ciaran - what would you be drinking?
  11. that line was in the first listing too. so much for truth in advertising. pt barnum said there was fool born every minute and these things just keep proving he was right!
  12. you are so right diego. morgan - i so love yhe english accent - my grandmother was born and raised in sunderland and her accent was a blend of the english with a scottish burr. i loved listening to her and trying to copy it. now, i'm pretty good at picking up accents, especially after a rum or three!
  13. i like that one jacob!
  14. you got me!
  15. posted by iron bess [be that as it may.... the writers say no, no Kieth RIchards and they are not WANTING to use Kieth Richards so (Shrug) I guess the world will have to go on guessing. Personally, I could care less.] i think there's a conflict here. i still got a kick out of johnny depp saying that he developed his swagger by imitating keith richards, or words to that effect.
  16. beauty and the beast (don't ask)
  17. i was in catholic school from 4th through 8th grade and then went to public high school!
  18. unless something changes, we'll be there all weekend!
  19. some works it way into my dane life and so does faire speak. ti all depends on the occasion, i think. my broklyn accent slips thrpugh sometimes too. it's all part of who i am and my friends know it.
  20. over on my ren faire site, we're batting around an idea for developing a renfaire game. don't have anything yet, just in the brainstorm phase yet, but if it should come to anything, i'll let you know.
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