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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. aye, that shepherd's pie does look good. methinks i'llbe having a slice too, thank-ye very much. another round ------ and i say - bring on those dancin' boyos!!!!!!!!
  3. if'n ye happen to see don juan and miguel on the grounds of the arizona faire...would ye be so kind as to bid a 'hullo!' to miguel from froom lady snow at the pa ren faire and can't wait til they be back in our port in august. thank-ye much...
  4. butterflies ~snow
  5. steaks ye say? denny's pphil? how could ye? i've got ome fine rum and a cask of red wine if'n ye would like to partake of some. i'd like it medium raw if you please. ~snow
  6. have you seen jackie chan's drunken master? ~snow
  7. and again and again and again and again and again .............. ~snow
  8. fyi - you can find the lotr/tpeter jackson fan site at theonering.com :) ~snow
  9. feeling? looking foprward to spendin this weekend with my cabin boys ion their school camous. get to chat with their teahers, reconnect with some other parent-type friends i haven't seen since fall family weekend and hoping to be drawn in the raffle to play an extra in a new indie film by golden horse productions. hopefully, get the chance to meet terence knox from st. elsewhere. he's in the film and the extras are for a bar scene, so it's kinda fitting. ~snow
  10. ahhhhhh - rare steak - now there's a pyrate after me own heart!! pass some over his way, puh-lease! and did someone mention chocolate rum! mmmmmmmmmmm! ~snow
  11. yippee! can't wait for potc 2 & 3 (but why is all the rum gone?) are they being filmed together like back to the future 2&3? ~snow
  12. i cannot call myself an expert, but you can probably count on the shanties for some background. as i have picked up from faire, sailors and pirates, privateers, used music and shanties for a few reasons. they were used to provide the rhythm for tasks on the ship - rigging the sails, pulling up anchor, and other mundane tasks. i hope this may help a little. ~snow
  13. sounds great, but this being parents' weekend on my kids' campus, i have to bow out. maybe next time. ~snow
  14. dunno - the last (and only time) i had rice wine, after a few glasses tasted like peach pits. cured me on it. ~snow
  15. got america's funniest videos on and just saw the 4 continent figure skating championship in s, korea. have been compiling custom cd's for special people as gifts these days. 10 - 12 tunes specific for the occasion. then do the cover art work and all. my latest endeavour! ~snow
  16. is the royaliste going to be permanently homeported at pier 39? we can't get to the other coast this year at all, but will hopefully be there soon after. ~snow
  17. now that sounds like a party i'd want to go to! ~snow
  18. aye - ye know that it always be 5 o'clock in margaritaville! ~snow
  19. pphil -Posted on Feb 26 2005, 02:49 AM two hands in fencing? hmmmmmm. i guess there's a first time for everything? man-handling? i think i remember that course in the wench training manual - then decided that i could write a better one! on to the fight circle! ~snow
  20. hey -it wouldn't hurt to ask! would be more publicity for the fight circle and that could mean more business. and what merchant could argue with the free advertising! ~ snow
  21. (PyratePhil @ Feb 25 2005, 12:57 AM) is that a fruedian slip, pphil? or a secrert (not) desire? there is swordplay at the celtic fling in june, too, at the parf faire shire. i've only had one match but i did win! win or lose really doesn't make much difference - the name of the game is fun! ~snow
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