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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. you are so right on the money there, pphil! :)
  2. hot time in the city
  3. thank ye so much cap'n ciaran. te sunny skies were short-lived to be sure. we had 3 of them in a row and now it's raining again! i wonder what william has on the menu this eve.
  4. congrats on your elevation to a new rank! work hard and another promotion will be conferred on you in short order! ray - serve mr. hawks what ever he chooses! cheers!
  5. there are those rennie playtrons that are doing the research and dresin g in the true period garb. granted, the materials are bought at the fabric shop, but the patterns are authentic and the research is done to learn what is and isn't authentic. we do use sewing machines too, since the majority of us have to work full weeks in our dane lives. and pyrate is just one of my personae.
  6. if i'm not mistaken, it's the only piece that actually has a part written for cannoni n the score!
  7. enters singing roll up the barrels and we'll have some barrels of fun!
  8. stephen king's the shining - part 2 of 3
  9. It's hangin well, matey! Hangin' well! i guess you're pretty safe as long as it's not spining!
  10. i have found a lot of sca really put down faire (rennies) calling us not accurate or period or authentic. while they are shoes from wal*mart and are using hardware store toools toi make their stuff, while they are encamping on our fairegrounds fopr celtic fl;ing weeknd and sleeping in modern day sleeping bags. i have nothing against the sca or members, but i think some don't have respect for others who have interest in the same time periods, but sre in a different venue. just my opinion and i'm not trying to offend anyone.
  11. i see congratulations are in order for a couple of promotions in this here place! hetha, 3legs - here's to your my friends - william - what's good behind the bar over there? a round on me - cheers!
  12. so rummy, tell me, how was the faire? i am so in need of a faire fix it isn't funny. guess i'm just going to have to wait for fairie fest in a couple weeks. :)
  13. this is maybe just as easy O-O-Oh, Lord above send down a dove With beak as sharp as razors To cut the throat of them there blokes What sells bad beer to sailors (That's me! ha ha)
  14. good to see you again hetha. i was a meeting with your first mate ealier. he was looking for ye. nice bloke. ray - gives me friends whatever they be drinking...
  15. i could just imagine the looks on non-period garb tye folks if i told them i was going to h \ome depot for materials for my corset or bodice ~
  16. not to worry - i always share, especially with cap'n sparrow
  17. disneyland opened in july (if memory suits me) of 1955, a couple months before my first birthday. walt disneyworld opened in october of 1971 - my senior year in high school.
  18. i was at walt disneyworld 2 months after it opened and the magic kingdom wasn't even finished yet. small world didn't scare me, but i was chased by donald duck. i was 17 and actually hiding behind my parents to get away from that darn duck. haunted mansion was so cool. and it's modeled after the the asa packer mansion, 15 minutes away from me in jim thorpe, pa! ithink one of the most fun things i did all day was square dance witht he bears. they were a little taller than me, but square dance quite well anyway!
  19. ooooooooooooooo i love arbor mist! you sharing?
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