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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. wow - another thing to add to my to-do list. gonna have ta make a journey to my neighbors up north and tyr that out! congrats, ciaran, m'dear!
  2. my pleasure, diego! will does serve up some fine eats here! oh, ciaran, how did your surgery go. i know it was a whilke ago, but i was still wondering. will - another round for my friends.....
  3. evening merc! hope you've recovered from that pigeon incident earlier. hate it when that happens! william - a nice juicy steak, medium raw, baked potato with butter, sour cream and chives and some nice fresh sugar snap peas, ifin you would be so kind. and some raspberry mead to top it off please. thank you so much!
  4. teenage mutant ninja turtles
  5. i belong to parenfaire.net abd the international wenches guild. some other things too, that i can't think ofat the monment. parenfaire.net is a site for fans of the pa ren faire - playtrons, vendors, castmembers and others.
  6. absolutely LOVE beards and mustaches - with a passion!
  7. tried the egg and daffy once each - 60 on eggs and 200 on daffy. can't play willie at the library. cionsidered improper for the place.
  8. am i the only one who's metabolism doesn't let them gain weight? there are so many things out there for losing weight, but not for trying to put some on.
  9. but andy warhol is doing even less these dayys anyways.
  10. anyone up for a jig or two? i hear a celtic band warming up over in the corner. man, i do love men in kilts!
  11. on my garb i wear my wench's guild pin, my 'ren friends' pin, my parenfaire membership pin, a pewter pin from georgia's 20th year, a yellow ducky in memory of a friend, nicknamed 'duckman' who was a friend to the parf and a stick pin of a heart that looks like the handle of a fencing foil(the basket type) that has a diamond like stone in the center. that last item was given to me by a friend who played owen 'black oak' o'malley at the pa ren faire this past season after a sword fighting lesson. i had the fun of being grace o'malley's step-mom (the priate queen) for the season! i also wear my black 'p' pub pin. inthe near future, the privateer and thespian guild pins will be jioning the collection.
  12. i'm not exactly sure how i found this site, but it had to do with someone posting about captain jack sparrow stealing their kid at the pa ren faire and have been here ever since! fyne bunch o'pyrates i found here too!
  13. i am honest - i really don't need it, i have too much fun as it is anyway. my late husband's mother used it to counter the effects of chemo when she was dying of lymphatic cancer though. i am all for marijuana being decriminalized - the same as alcohol. i did a paper on this in college and aced it. people are far more dangerous on alcohol than when smoking pot, and i know this from experience. this is my generation's thing. baby boomers
  14. rummy, bunny - so nice to see you two this fyne den! william - do you think you could make my oj a mimosa, please? those crepes look just scrumptious!
  15. sure hope your nose is feeling better, rumba! just hate unplanned piercings!
  16. i used to but haven't in a very long time. i remember when $20 got you a stuffed baggie and a pack of rolling papers. now it may get you a few seeds in the bottom of the bag. i remember quite readily the munchies and happy cheeks. i have tried aother things too, but my big addictions are to pepsi, shortbread cookis, and stuff like that. i lost a cousin due to an intentional overdose and my sisters nephew (a child she helped raise) died the day he was to enter a residential rehab facility. his father started him on drugs. personally, i see nothing wrong with smoking a little home-grown weed. i classify it in the same category as alcohol, but being it's illegal, i'm not going to jail for it. the same as no one under 21 is going to drink in my home or anyone drinking in my home at a gathering doesn't leave til the next day. i am known to take car keys before you drink at my house. it works out just fine. we always have a fun breakfast in the morning.
  17. after a refreeshing dip in the drink....lady snow wanders in and asks quite nicely for a thick steak, medium raw please. just wave it at the flame ifin ye would. some fried veggies and a rasted potato with a large frozen mudslide for dessert! it's amazing what you miss just being away from the kate for two days! merc? do you have anymore of that cocoa? it is a bit chilly after the swim.
  18. mmmmmmmmmmm you always have such good eats! i be having some cinnamon mead ifin you please thank you muchly
  19. i just dropped off a cranberry-tangerine-ginger chutney to add to the meal. it's a little spicy, but will surely warm you up on a winter's day.
  20. puttin' on the ritz! fan of young frankenstein (that's frankenstEEn) too! and eye-gor
  21. wish i didn't live on the other coast! fighting a bout of pneumonia anyways.... hope the party is great and you post the pix!
  22. i remember some of the french i learned in 4-1/2 years of classes and speak faire speak. i am also learning sign language. i know enouf g to easily communicate with my friend's autistic sona nd can interpret quite a few songs.
  23. i have my sighting entered. i entered last year too! it's just a fun diversion.
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