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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. welcome back aboard sahr! silkie invitedme to join you in gettysburg, but it ws opening weekendof the musical i'm in. sorry i missed you, then you would have had 2 irish lasses to sing a tune or two. well, maybe nexttime..... congrats onthe mew job - ray... a drink for blackfoot here - what would you behaving? and one for sophia for her promotion - whatever her little heart desires!
  2. looks like fun to me, but i do want the safety equipment too! i live for rollercoasters, but i still want to live!
  3. ^hmmmmmmmm - proficient sign language- know some but want to be fluent - would really be a plus when trying to be part of the blackfryars cast at the ren faire. < just got through the second weekend of performances of beauty andthe east. 6 shows down, 7 to go! \/ are you comfortable in front of a crowd?
  4. clearf and very cold today - 9 with awind chill of -6. not as cold as minn but cold enough. we have had colder, though. (northeast, pa. that is)
  5. i wouldn't say that about the weather - we have plenty of not so fine weather, but nothing stops a good time! welcome aboard mate! i be the lady snow. if you need anything, i'm sure if i can't help you, someone else is sure to fill it! have a round on me! B) B) B)
  6. ****waltzing playfully into the kate**** mind if i join you jenny, jacky? ****gives a big hiug and warm kiss to jacky in honor of his natal den**** would you have anymore of the chicken and sage boxty? looks scrumptious! and anything made from cranberries. please! and a round for the house in honor of a pyrate birthday!!!
  7. some unfavorable sea dogs
  8. welcome back aboard dead_men! thanks for the round! ray - mead please! love the tat!
  9. i'm with you on that one, william. t'would be a really great place. i woould have to find an excuse (any would do) just to visit and partake of the fine eats and drinks! even in v irtual space it's a grand establishment. if they can make a hotel out of the queen mary, why not a pub from a frigate?
  10. welcome back aboard silent! missed seeing you around the pub! oull up a barrel and have a drink on me...ray - whatever me bud wants!
  11. to steer the burning
  12. here i am late for the party once more! most wondrous natal den wishes to ye, jenny!
  13. i read all three articles and they sound like a writing axsignment in school. i don't know about any ither faire other than pa, endless mountains or fort tryon, but the one that was talking about guilds has nothing to do with the ones those three that i'm affiliated with.
  14. whilst the captain spots
  15. hey we have parties for most any reason and natal dens are right up there at the top!
  16. i like them!
  17. pass the mead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. sorry i'm going to miss meeting you this trip, but i have rehearsals to attend. we open next friday. silkie was in touch with me about your visit. maybe next time.
  19. this pic was published in a compilation book it's my youngest at the pa ren faire called wiazard in training and these are my two younger boys (i've made this pic into a wanted poster
  20. iwouldn't know for fact, but i wouldn't doubt it. bees be very commonand their honey lasts forever. even the honeyfound in the ncient egyptian pyramids was still edible. sincew it is a natural sweetener andall you haveto do is retrieve it from the hive, there ere probably honey bees in the caribbean always.
  21. you can open my carriage door. pick me wild flowers or take me to to the tsunami kate anytime you wish, jacky!
  22. I'd probably do it in a breezy manner.... hmmmmmmmmmmm might not mind seeingthone.................
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