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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. oooooooooooo! tell me, tell me! i love good stories!!!!
  2. well, cap'n, i be the lady snow and would like to welcome you to the pub! we have a mighty fine port here. ray - mead, please and that be on the cap'n there. stroll around our premises and check what we have to offer. there be swimming at lagoon adn beach parties. should you be in need of food and drink - you may want to check out the tsunami kate. william red wake runs a fine establishment over there ------------> if lucky there may be entertainment on weekends. and red cat jenny makes a fine hostess, there be nothing you could desire that she can't rustle up. lke i said, stroll around and make yourself at home. the others will bewanting to welcome a they arrive in port. once again, welcome!
  3. i just typed in the box where i'm located and the frapp'r put my pin in the map.
  4. earl of sandwich
  5. ;) ;) did he doe from the cannonball or the scissors?
  6. irish spring and i've come close to throwing an alarm clock out a window several times
  7. thank you so much sir william and a good night to you kind sir
  8. OFF TOPIC my boys go tom the milton hershey school in hershey.pa. for those of you unfamiliar with the school - it's a private residential school started by milton and katherine hershey in 1909. it was started as an orhanage for 3 boys cause the hersheys were unable to have children of their own. 4 years after katherine died (1919) milton hershey placed his entire fortune in the school with no fanfare watsoever so that the school could continue their mission. the first criteria for addssion is financial need and the mission statement is - to educate and nurture needy childeren in perpetuity. that being said - they start community servide in pre-k. little things like - pennies for patients and others. it's an integral part of their education.
  9. didn't realize that movie was that long ago loved the video though!
  10. here be antony and cleopatra. cleo be the black mask and antony the peach face. antony has since gone to the freat aviary inb the sky. went to join the choir immortal http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r102/la...nt=100_0364.jpg
  11. You mean like "Krull"? (Actually, I liked it. Young Liam Neesom! ) i LOVE krull and would like to know where (if one even exists) i could get a copy of it.
  12. i know the heartache -- had 3 mioscarriages and a stillbirth bnefore i had my oldest boy and between him and drew i had an ectopic. (another one of those near death experiences) the stillbirth was at 5 months, nbut i wasn't told what the sex was or anything. she didn't think i should know, i guess, just called it a mass of tissue. and the ectopic was at approx. 16 weeks and had burst the tube.
  13. aye! it be a sign that a storm be brewin' if'n your parents call you by your full given name!
  14. great got my new ed delivered yesterday and had the best (but short) sleep in a long time
  15. frends may come and friends may go, but a good enemy can last a lifetime! ~hagar the horrible
  16. hey - a rabbit went flying past me as i walked into the kate and -WOW - look at all those chocolate eggs, bunnies, jelly beans and peeps! what time is the easter feast being served - am bringing my cabin boys with me for the feast. in the meantme, i think i just snack on a few peeps. oh - found a wenbsite for all things peeps! http://geekbabe.com/peeps/ have fun!
  17. most wondrous wishes on the anniversary of your natal den! did someone say rum?
  18. welcome to the pub, lass. i be the lady snow. i see you have a good size crew there. ray - a raspberry mead please, on the lady constance of course. please feel feree to stroll around the port. if'n you find yourself in need of refreshments - might i recommend the tsunami kate? sir william runs a fine establihment there and red cat jenny is quite the hostess. she can rustle up anything you may desire. there even be a band of cutthroat there on weekends for your pleasure. again, welcome
  19. i did leave as bowl of fresh fruit and some raw veggies to much on while waiting for your steaks.
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