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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. i don't remember how i stumbled into this here establishment. there was some connection about the pa ren faire and jack sparrow and somehow i fell in and 3-1/2 years later - - i love it!
  2. that's wonderful, jon. i just hope you stay thatt way to!
  3. you don't have to ask twice, merry. i'll keep you in my thoughts and best of love and luck to you. friend.
  4. ^ thinkl a sword fight would be more enjoyable - pistol duel i would finish too soon < ah, spring - new rou\/nd of allergies - can't win \/backto a previous query - who be your favorite pyrate, priateer, buccaneer, swashbuckler........and why?
  5. about 77 miles north or so - 476 to exit 74 get off and turn to 209s about 10 minutes to ukranian homestead
  6. fidller arrives and starts a lively jig briar rose and siren start dancing around the room
  7. i love that commercial too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. thank you kind sir. i didn't mean to start any trouble - just thought i was going to get a story and all hell broke loose. i'm almost sorry i asked now. and the butter is the finest indeed and the bread is just warm enough to slowly melty it.
  9. william would you have a bit of butter to go with that bread? 'tis getting a little confusing around. who's telling the story about what? i think i need another glass of wine.
  10. ^ grace o'malley - ranm a ship of 200 men - whilst her castle was in a too vulnerable location - married a guy for his safe castle - got rid of the husband, but kept the castle. to the chagrin of sir bingham, she gets an audience woth elizabeth and with the queen's blessing, dies a free woman in her own bed. < starts rehearsals on sunday for the midsummer faire in lehighton, pa. in june! \/ got cabin fever?
  11. could have sworn i'd answered this thread before - i just checked through what be yuour day job. i am a graphic artist/designer by degree. i plan on starting classes agin in the fall for another aas in coimmercial art - nee d to upate my computer graphic skills and add web desinh and photography. right now i a rebar steelworker to keep a roof over my head - long story. i do do free-lance design and photography. and what i enjoy doing most (esides my art) is singing, ancing, axcting and improv. i act in renaissance faires and medieval festivals as improv street cast. oh, fellow steel rose player - pyrate phil - we are doing the midsummer faire in lehighton this year. l;ove doing improv! and my youngest cabin boy has a knack for it too! i do noticde that there are a lot of us graphic designers on this site!
  12. new jersey has pumpers to. you are not allowed to pump your own gas in nj.
  13. delicatessen (yes, i looked it up) hey, any day you lear n nothing is a wasted day.
  14. *** sits in the middle of the floor pouting**** what happened to my story? william, grilled cheese, eggs, and wine please. loks like i've be dumped ansd need some comfort food. sheesh - all i wanted was a story
  15. very nicely done madl/ i be liking the strategically placed skulls on the top of her dress! my broither-in-law's last name is sodl - pronounced - so'-dull.
  16. *****snuggles unto the captain's lap******* tell me a story, i' can't wait to hear what your going to tell us all about!
  17. doc - on the table over there ------------------> you can find all the fixin's , grilled and raw. all the condiments and sidedishes. dig in - steaks are ready! and your in thought christine and you have my shoulder here to rest your weary head on christine and merry!
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