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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. ooooooooooooo honey and comb! i was a beeeeper in4-h for 8 years!
  2. i love the mythbusters! adam. jamie, kari, grant and i can't think of his name at the moment! we used to watch that every week.
  3. boy, i've have most anything on that menu - nowif i could just find the treasure to afford it!
  4. i'm off tomorrow and then on for the next7 days, i think. and starting tomorrow evening, it'ds rehearsals every day til we open next friday. busy busy busy a tala as old as time a song as old as rhyme.......
  5. men in kilts (yes, i have a sometimes one-track mind)
  6. just finished bbq turkey and fried potatoes! they was good
  7. i have that on a cd by the brabdagnian bards (the correct pronunciation of that would be trewsers, but most sing trousers) and they do a short medley of that with 'drunken sailor'!
  8. i see i'm not alone at caligula there blackfoot!
  9. i remember those pix and they're still nice
  10. thank you for the weather report and now over to the sports desk for the latet scores
  11. i'm not sure how warm baja is right now
  12. let's hope this works this is my grandson halloween time '05
  13. lovely ! now if only i could figure out how to post pix in the pub...
  14. that's the best laugh i've had sincechristmas! thank you so much for sharing!
  15. i'm partial to 'the ragin' gale' (it's actullay a song friends of mine - coyote run - do
  16. we've had a really mild winter so far - this morning was the coldest yet at 12 degrees - maybe 5 with the wind chill. we'vwe had a lot of rtain and fog. i think christine's been faring worse since southern ca isn't supposed to have a colder winter than northeast pa! oh - the beef wellington looks scrumptious and i'll have at least a pound of asparagus! oh - jenny - pass the shrimp!
  17. wandering around the net playing with my myspace account. been noticing a lot of things in common with a lot of you folk in my extended network. it's truly amazing - have the same friends on board, including some of the same groups like empty hats. this space is addicting. other than that i'm biding my time waiting for my friend to get home, log on and ask how my day was.
  18. i see there are a few of us that are moderate in the schizotypal catergory - maybe it's in the pyrate nature of things :angry:
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