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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. captain jack sparrow - but why is the rum gone?
  2. i also found this info Origin and Introduction into Modern Music The bodhrán is an old drum but a young musical instrument. Although it has existed in Ireland for centuries, it was introduced into traditional music performance only in the 1960s, and became common only in the 1970s.
  3. ^ depends on how close the holder is to the toilet <85 posts away from pyrate legend \/pepsi or coke
  4. ^ damon's grill - love their ribs and playing the trivia games <still waiting for the sbock of losing my mate to really hit me \/ ever lost someone really close?
  5. who let the dogs out
  6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thank you so much
  7. ^resolved to not make any more resolutions years ago and haven't broken it yet! <getting ready to take the kids back to school \/champagne or sparkling juice?
  8. ^depedns on the venue and occasion <spent new year's eve at first night with my two powder monkeys untikl 11:00 when it started raining and then we went to the party at my girlfriend's house til 3:30 this morning. i was a t work by 6 am! \/ how was your new year's eve celebration?
  9. captaincairan (where did he disappear to? i miss him)
  10. and to you and yours too. this yer has got to be bettetr than the last!
  11. same to all of my friends here at the pub! hope your year is bright and smooth sailing ahead. mine has GOT to be better!
  12. i'll have all but the crab legs (allergy) sounds so scrumptious! captain sterling - could you swing by pa and pick us up on the way?
  13. thank you all
  14. let's not leave out george carlin
  15. and who is going to be frank-n-furter?
  16. ^ somewhere in between < feeling a little better each day \/ new year's eve plans?
  17. william, what sort of comfort food would ye have. it's been a really rough week and i'm so glad i have my friends here and at parenfaire to ffall back on. you guys are great!
  18. yeah - i'm glad i grew up in the 'old days' when you mwere respectful of authority, knew not to cross your parents, and were allowed top be a kid. if we did something, our parents knew about it before we got home and if it wasn't good - we were in trouble! we fell and skinned out knees, went through windows backwards and sliced our backs wide open - true story - i did it when i wasd 5. to this day i cannot sit on the back of a couch. and the police weren't called in to investigate child abuse. i'm bringing up my kids pretty much the same way i was brought up and they're doing quite well!
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