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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I gots ta be gone this pm as I be trainin the rookies ta find their owns ways ta separate themselves from all the street walkin competition they're about to run head into. Felling ready that's how I be feeling, ready!
  2. Capt P E W I don't recognize that can you hum a few bars for us all?
  3. So Charlie! Would you agree? Leon Redbones best song (but only to me i'm sure) was "Aint Misbehaving"? Nice memories there! I was actually listening to "and the angels sing" sung by Martha Tilton fronting the Benny Goodman Orchestra with ziggy Elman on trumpet!
  4. arrgghhh In and out jes like the charmer I does remembers! Sir William ye be more than an accomadating kind of man ye must be driven by the good in humanity. I wish I shared in your strengths. Be blessed this day mate! Oh! Might I bother ye for another pint o me fave afore I wander on?
  5. yes actually it is worth watchin numerous time and is rentable! There to and I could not find it anywhere is a quote about dreams and dreamers, it alone is worth the rental. If you (in your heart) feel teachers get what they deserve don't rent it. It is a true story and it should be seen by every student everywhere! Well since yer all piraticals you aren't suppose to have hearts so we'll jes look the other direction on this one.
  6. Thats it I'm moving! You are one mean and nasty old salty dog and whence we meet I will be pleased to buy our first five rounds indeed!
  7. 24 hours Stand and Deliver the story of Jaime Escalerra!
  8. As well it should be both numb and comfortably spaced as well but no. ***** hint***** Tis the name of a city where the most hashish in the world is traded on the streets! 24 hours uhuh and furthermore the next time you all hear Kashmir by the Zepp don't remember that yes you could have guessed it and won the cupie doll!
  9. I comes in and finds a little lass with the strangest smelling hair! (sniff sniff) Columbian huh? lass we surely miss yer ways but I see yer headed to celtic heavins this weeksend? Sir william looky who came by! Its me daughter M wench. I be gald when we see more a her. Hows abouts a nicely beef pie with a banger and mash fer the meal today? And I'll take that Guinness too lass grammercy!
  10. I found nothing about Bakersfield just the pacific northwest?
  11. Good God! where's the dedication? Where's the fullfillment of promise? Who's in charge around here? This thread needs to be in plunder but only after yer lazy kitten buys a round here in the pub fer all of the locals! What be differant about yer first post AND ALL OTHERS? yeah yeah yeah have a nice day!
  12. all around me You're face Christine its white
  13. too much to drynk fer lunch again so i wakes up and everyone is already gone back to work ergh someswheres but while it lasted it was a great lunch indeed so I stand and fall back into me chair where I see I'm going ta be here myhaps jes a little longer than I spected. Sir william is out like a lite in the corner Ok I can do that so I tucks in my boots and boom boom out go the lights!
  14. stories like this don't come true
  15. Ah shyte! I nearly choked on crab, lobster and guinness I laughed so hard Shyte that was too simple! (and funny)
  16. I always dreamed he'd appear christine you must have been dreaming
  17. Sir William is a nice perky little cocktail sauce available as well as any horseradish?
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