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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aaayyyeeeee! (pushes opens the doors and looks about fer stragglers and sleepovers under the tables.) Nay not me thinks. slow weekend at the Kate then! (me cups me hands) Sir William! Sir William! (so i just start talkin figuring he's about) I was watchin this old movie on evening past "first night" and me thinks I did in fact see you as one of the knights of the round table it was you was it not? (i leans over the bar and drwas a nice pint o guinness)
  2. I was on my way to get all of R$ummy's presents and thought I ought to at least stop by and say thanks for such a nice spread and all down there at the tavern when we close the place we'll need ta be down here and nursin our hangovers tomorrow mornin with some good old fashioned chile verde and eggs. Any way Sir Willaim, thanks so much fer gettin it all together so quickly heres this here chunk a gold I been hangin on to... (tosses it to me friend) .
  3. We don't need no stynking gruel! Oh! The caramel is over here (reaches out and passes it)
  4. Aye Matey and a hearty handshake fer sharin this bit o history fer certs. I feel like I'm already thar but will hunt down the likes of its charm next time on the Fla Coast. Grammercy
  5. (i know I know the thread is one word so heres one) "Lackanookie"
  6. Christine it be Rummy's Birthday tomorrow and we will be going to the faire there in Del Mar won't ye join us? Me heres the reggae bands will be tearin it up!
  7. (New pin introduced at southern this year) "what happens at faire stays at faire"
  8. The Tsunami Kate (and starbucks coffee) Sir William! As i stampede a fine group of souls searchin fer jes the right mornin affair! Good morrow fine friends I take it this day be treatin you all with special care and take not it from thee without ye knowin. It be Rummy's birthen day on the morrow so a fine pint a grog fer her and I'll have the columbian roasted bean of chocolate and caramel flavor with a spot a baileys kind sir! The scone sounds good indeed! and grammercy.
  9. even the lines from the good lookin pirates!
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