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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. lets just go back to "baby pooh" Butterscotch pudding
  2. "You Know What I Mean" by the Turtles Flo and Eddie
  3. Renee Ulstad "I'm Beginning to See the Light"
  4. I am so full o shyte, love is the end all to every need.
  5. I'm done, I just put on yer shoes and ye need not any more a me!
  6. Ifin ye knows it, ye can fix it.... And I must agree about yer choice of quotes but still to protect me shattered heart I felt fer many years after I was crushed that ifin I would just look for relationships with a limited time line (a kind of knowing it couldn't last because it was during a summer break from school or a easter break or while on vacation or Christmas vacation or, or, or. I needed to give and be loved and was able to find so many perfect alwasys ending relationships in as many of these college aged years) I could give my all every ounce of my love I had going in, knowing that separation was eminent and hurt wouldn't be a part of it. It was a win win situation that protected me for four years. Sure I'd give anything in the world to never have anyone go through that initial loss of (pain and hurt filled) love. But the thing is you have a brain and can adapt. Do what is nneeded to survive and yes contiue palying the game. the game to win.
  7. put this one on my tab, William. Is this the rhetoric ye've been given me down in the single's bar? *looks sheepish and sips kindly supplied brandy* Yar lass I rememebrs me youth and "I heard no one older then me own friends" and ifin It could be done that the innevetable hurts that follow every chance taken on love could never be felt by (through some sort of intraveneously giving the cure to) all high school graduates I'd donate money fer the research. but till the cure is found I only have experiences to share. You be the judge. Adn grammercy Sir William back thet one up will ya?
  8. Aye lass you see youth is still foggin the eyes of yer need. As age is added to youth the ability to see that winning a hand isn't but a small part of the overall game. A number of successive hands all played together offering both winning some (most of the) and losses (much fewer) are the game and the game is what we play to win. I forget who said this famous quote (it was probably Shakespeare) but "patience is a virtue" (really though it might have been a pinball player) In each game there are highs and lows the object is to not loose focus and know going in it is all a game (not a hand) ifin you want to win you must learn how to win... And you must hate to loose... like my signature (which I love this quote) "show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser" says play to win the game like wars are a succession of battles. Need another quote "all's faire in love and war"
  9. Aye aye Sir William I be needin me another this facts of life retoric be flowin out a me causin ways to much thirst. (that is Guinness isn't it?)
  10. Lass ye learns from yer mistakes (or ye don't) (I'm gunna liken this ta poker)Ifin ye be payin attentions indeed ye see that all is lost in a hand when ye goes all in and your cards don't support yer bet. This life we all live is a game you play, You can play hands all day, ye can change games and move to other tables i8fin ya dont see what ye likes. Sometimes you never find the right table (where you are, you and only you) but everyone is all (like you trying to find the right table to sit at and be able to get in the game where they are comfortable) (any game) meeting and enjoying the people at a table (in a dance or at a party) ye sits down buys in and you play. You strive to make it as simple as possible and it is a game it's always a game and sometimes you find out that ifin ye get lucky and lucky is very important and needed in poker and love. If ye get lucky ye can win (be it money or finding "the one") most often though know this the one might be number 349.. Ye gots plenty of time enjoy all the games knowing it's not going to happen overnight!
  11. Jack I be worried about ye all weeksend and wishin ye'd be makin a post ta relax the many touched by your immediacy ya shared on Fridays eve! Help us out here matey?
  12. see even you are seeing the effect of their own attractions be it there and unrecognizable as what I said success breeds success quit lookin and let them come find you and (shhhhhhhh! never seems eager ya gots ta play hard ta get. No challenge, no interest!) Huzzah!
  13. Sir Willaim that be a good lookin mellon but I dare say that me belches from the ale and melon won't do any room justice so I'm jes going to have to seetle fer ale this day! I reached across the bar and filled me tankard afore ye come up. so I'll have me second (Guinness that be) when it be ye gets a chance. Grammercy
  14. Aye lass its been my experience that ifin ye be out thar and a looking, (fer a mate) it sets off a chemical reaction that as stupid as it sounds sends out a warning sixth sense that actually works in reverse to fillin yer need (scares em off). and that in fact ifin ye "aren't lookin" (maybe even with a boyfriend) and ye are fully and totally satisfied with yer life and love (even if it is immaginary) it too gives off a (i dont know what to call it maybe hormones or pheramones) but they are picked up as well and seems to relax and even invite the attentions of potential mates (they seem to come out of the worodwork when yer attached)! It really goes back to salesmanship and portraying the confidence and actual belief in your product which is what gets (subcontiously) passed across the table to your customer and they decide to invest in your product, servcie or whatever. Really if you think about it yer out there selling yourself and if people are going to invest ye best have a worth and value. Read a couple sales books. Look fer some in the library that deals with the mindset or concious and unconcious effort. Take two aspirin and PM me in the morning.
  15. "You better stop, take a look, But, you know what I mean.... If only you could see the dreams That seem to mean so much to me, Then you'd know the reason why"
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