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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I might as well be running an inn for all the sleeping around here. Oh wait. It is an inn. Inns and outs! inns yer in and outs yer not! (so I wrote this note to me friend put it on the Guinness spigot, after me tankard accidently got filled) Sir William lord and proprieter. Thar is a certain interest in yer need to find a free time to come and play and ifin ye bring a carts full of grub and the likes down to the tavern ye wont believe this but that newbie quick study that came aboard a couple days ago? Sompthin Swan Song errgghh? (scratches me head) Well it's ergh her birthday it is and seems thars a bit of a celebration kickin up. Any ways a greedy boat of appetizers would surely be well recieved! And Grammercy
  2. Everybody's a dreamer Everybody's a star Everybody's in show buis It doesn't matter who you are....... OK your serve!
  3. Me wenches My picture Welcomes aboard mateys!
  4. Petee me ole friend I see you may have a goodly need ta move into a mastergunners shoes matey and the ship bein a ghost ship and all is right here (as I points to the side o me head) right here in the minds of those who feel a little play is exercise for the mind! Actually I believe that there could be enough said about in the creativeness of me mates about the pub here, that a thread of discerning folk involved in creativly workin about and creating the a ship with comradery as it plays out (on the cuff) you might call it completely adlibbed fer the purpose of mayhaps a future script ergh even a book maybe. Right here building each day with the intigral parties of said ships crew being the only players. What ye think?
  5. oh yeh! so the youngest guy gets up to his ball and practices a swing or two lines the shot up and pops a really high wedge shot into the air and it lands just past the hole where it hit and backspun right into the cup. The middle aged guy looks at them both and says you know Jesus, you and yer dad aren't that much fun to play with anymnore.
  6. So there are these three guys all playing golf right and the one that is oldest is chipping a seven iron about eighty yards on a pitch and run shot with the green elevated on the back. The youngest guy walks over and says whatever shot you do I'll better it and the bets for a hundred dollars! The older gut says make it two! Youare on was the response. So the old guy lines it up pulls off about five perfect practice swings moves his feet up and addresses the ball and fires a perfect shot hits just ahead of the green where it bounces three times turning into a roll which pulls up and stops seventeen inches from the hole. Ah shit I forget the rest
  7. What about the name I jes gave a newly built race galleon ghost ship I'm gunna call it "The Watch Dog" Is it ready fer a crew yet? Capitan Capnwilliam Ships Master Diego Santana de la Vega First officer Quartermaster Bosun Master gunner Pirate Petee Ship surgeon Spiritual advisor and palm reader Kendra Cook Moral Officer Rummy Cartographer Lookout(s) 1 2 3 4 Gunners crew Ships carpenter Ships blacksmith Able seamen Volunteers are being interviewed on dock at pier "J" (Send me a p/m) It is all coming together nicely
  8. Thanks fer the drynke Tortuga Wench! Grammercy. Normally I don't come into the singles bar because it doesn't have a dart board so that's why I pretty much hang downstairs at the pub. Been here almost a year and still can't find a decent match down there niether. Cricket 301 501 take yer pick shyte bring on yer mates and we can all play 401. no matters might as well cover what it be I was going too! Fact is, being single only hurts on holidays.....
  9. Awww Lad, Guiness' like chocolate, it goes wi' most anythin' (nudge,nudge... wink, wink) nay not thar be nothin ta absorb the Guinness in salad but cruetons! But me thinks I heard the song on some movie with that cute blonde meg ryan "with a wink and a smile" You've got mail?, sleepless in seatle?, when harry met sally? it's gotta be in one of those......
  10. But they turned her into a princess And they sat her on a throne, But she turned her back on stardom, Because she wanted to be alone.
  11. so i opens the doors and sneaks a peak and sees a bunch of rabbits eating! sneaks back out (thinkin to meself Guinness doesn't go with salad)
  12. We have a Celtic (Irish/Scottish Kilt) Festival as well going on in the Irvine Meadows this weekend with song sports and events of entertaining efforts.
  13. i read this three times and then I got it damn I hate Mondays Whewwww!
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