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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. yes I think it is actually in the most north and east corner area now close to the pools (someone mention showers?) http://www.sdrf.com/ map http://www.sdrf.com/images/SDRF-street-map.jpg this map has it facing the right direction at least! http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searc...u%2fSafbnVIG%2b
  2. watchin the whole thing with pyrate phil i takes the bottle lightly froma the sleepin Master Gunners hands (powder monkey?) Errand boy? Now who would be up for that?????? Damn Cabin Boys! mayhaps them thar new comers ta town can find a few cabin boys fer us............
  3. Mad_Jack fer Gods Sake man this ship is tied! break out one of those all to well refered to bottles!
  4. thar be a certain need fer the next deck ta have a certain number of gunners bunkin in with the guns I see a need ta be ready ta fire off a response without a minute ta muster the need. Scouts and gunners and When He gets here my marine! (the bastard he sleeps with his eyes opens he does) spooks me good that does but nothin gets past im. Crazy too on the edge of the world he be. I puts him up above.
  5. I'm keepin' me eye on ye, lad...jes' so's ye know... Aye, Ships - I be fair a-bristlin' wi' steel 'n' iron... *begins unloading in front of Master-at-Arms, like Mel Gibson in Bartertown* 3 pistols 1 rapier 1 gauche 1 cutlass 1 boot knife (I'll be askin' fer thet one back) 1 eatin' knife flogger crop whip pair of throwing knives from beneath bracers length of garrote wire from around waist boarding axe small vial of arsenic (Hey - ye never knows...) Reportin' fer duty, sir! phil comon with me I'll show ye too yer stay. Can I help ye carry that thar bag ye carry? I am puttin the galley and the surgeon on the second deck up from the bottom I want the ship warm and I think by moving the galley one floor lower it might allow the heat ta rise and below it the hold ta remain cool. The Surgeon and eating and more stores of rum and wine and ale too on the same floor. above them is general quarters we are in the middle I give you your hammock kind sir!
  6. (addressing the crew) standind proudly as can be, I'll be non confronting without much laughing please, I ask of you, This is a new place a new and fine place we embark on a journey where hiding and running off to a safe place won't allow. We are pirates We are! we come here and play and enjoy that with which we give and share each day. This is a gathering of souls destimed to have met afore and will meet again where as a team of creative and barbaric happenings will be shared wothout the worry of grammer spelling or even proper English. I ask little to few things. keep the fun high on the list! keep the authenticity as close to period as we can and bring who you are to the ship when ye come in. Our personalities are all different we share no comon goals but this one together we will sail the seas, together we will write a serious page of piracy history which will forever be saved and cherished by all. Thank you for coming aboard. The ship will be docked and repairs will be scheduled and made fer the next three wekks to four weeks. You can come and go as you like leave yer guns with Sir William. Huzzzah!
  7. It be a cold front on the move into shore the wind has picked up and the trees they are startin to wave in the wind. Mayhaps we should batten down the hatches mateys First Mate/ First Officer..... PyratePhil Christine... ship cook and songstress
  8. Argh ye does a crew proud (leans over and whispers ta Phil nice entry) Welcome aboard kind and gracious lady and Phil we need ta talk mate is yer bag in the water? Are ye carryin any weapons with ye? (I turns and faces the assembled crew) Welcome these two very dear and well respected pirates mates, we are beginning to take the shape of a ship. Huzzah!
  9. It be a cold front on the move into shore the wind has picked up and the trees they are startin to wave in the wind. Mayhaps we should batten down the hatches mateys First Mate/ First Officer..... PyratePhil
  10. Christine lass it would be a wondrous addition to our ship ifin that is ye liken to the freedom of the sea and confines of a ship making its way into and out of the stability of yer mind. Join us ye have done short work of catchin up it is about pirates working learning fighting becoming one in the common goal of early and very wealthy retirement Jes like the ships last crew! Join us won't you? What in the name of blazing saddles? Splash I looks off starboard side phil yer all wet mate (I turns ta face those of you that are amassed within ear shot) Your first mate PyratePhil. (too the warm welcome and applause) Welcome aboard matey!
  11. (tips hat) If I may, Master Lasseter. I've garnished some dates and pecans from the groves about the Tsunami Kate, and would have them added to the ships stores, if that's agreeable. They'll only go to waste if not shared amongst the crew. I have some 240 pounds of dates, which may subplant your need for raisens. The pecan's are but a trifle at 76 pounds. Spirits - 2400 gallons Tho... we may need more spirits... whats the split wine, rum, ale? and how much of each? the ships not taking on water whilst we sit but I nay not know when the last careening be done? We should before loadin up the stores any further move her on to a bank and clean her up and patch any holes we find and then upright her and then load her full! What say? Does anyone know how Daggaz is doing?
  12. It be a cold front on the move into shore the wind has picked up and the trees they are startin to wave in the wind. Mayhaps we should batten down the hatches mateys
  13. That I have and do accept your kind offer. Now, that being said, I take it that the ward on this barky is up to snuff and that there are accomodations for myself as well as my Loblolly Boy. You will need to hoist this medicinal cabinet to the deck, but do take care with it, if you will. Aye good lady you do come aboard as best I can tell at a most opportune time and accident occured not long ago it seems as though a problem at one of the local establishments made it way out our dock and into the water here where a gunner was burned and nerely made to die. He is resting below and We would certainly liken to have you see to it that the sav we mixed up from a few good cactus pieces is not of a bad sorts? Let me give ya a hand up. Welcome aboard Surgeon dentist and barber, this is Dorian and you know well Sir William, the rest of the crew be off seekin food we haven'y had much luck findin a goodly cook as yet but dare say I can If It need be! I'm jes not the entertainin kind what be needed. Let me give you ahand below.
  14. Aye lass who goes there? so I looks o'er the rail and it be me ole friend Tempest! Huzzah! welcome to the "Watch Dog" have ye given thought to the offer lass?
  15. ifin ye likes ta party, ifin ye likes ta camp, ifin ye likes gettin in free, did I mention ifin ye likes ta party? There are a feww additional piece tying and security meet and greet types being looked for for the San Diego ren faire. Pirate dress is ok! (think of it pirates in charge of security!) Mateys let me know! NO! I won't trade my shift. (Well maybe I will, what ye got ta trade?)
  16. That be a guinness fine lass! and yourn I may be buying one to your own need I may!
  17. Capitan Capnwilliam Ships Master Diego Santana de la Vega First officer Quartermaster Dorian Lasseter Bosun Badger Master gunner Pirate Petee Master-at-arms Sir William Red Wake Warrior Ship surgeon Spiritual advisor and palm reader Kendra Cook Moral Officer Rummy Navigator and Cartographer Lookout(s) 1 Swan 2 Mad_Jack 3 4 Gunners crew 1 Mad_Jack 2 Daggaz 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ships carpenter Ships blacksmith Able seamen Sir William Thank ye fer the speedy return. Mad Jack ifin ye would see that Kendra would get this. Dorian Tis me belief in port ye can keep yer pistol but on the sea kind sir the Master-at-arms will (when we be at sea) have the watch on all weapons. But fer yer personal knife be always kept about ye. Sir William I have asked for the ships crew to muster their own weapons to you fer storage and prepares.
  18. That was a close call Petee ye did goodly son. I would like a ships weapons list prepared by the entire crew of what ye be bringing to the master at arms fer his safe keepin and storage on the ship. I am turnin in three pistols and one deck scatterer. One italian rapier, three knives, me cutlass and a two fisted Scotish claymore and a right nice boardin axe.
  19. Kendra would ye stay with Daggaz here and Sir William would ye be pickin up some cactus ifin ye can find any we'll need ta make a sav fer Daggaz as well. Rummy ifin ya will get a hammock ready?
  20. Daggaz mate wheres yer beard? Who here can dive down and get this sailors belongings afore the tide moves it all out to sea?
  21. Aye redd good taa see ye back it is! Missed yer take on the world and all it be!
  22. You'll have ta excuse me Mad_Jack! I'm comin Petee, here gimme the rope! Stick a gaff on his belt there!
  23. Someone throw the rat bastard a rope! Daggaz matey can ya reach the rope there? Petee gaff him ifin he doesn't move shortly.
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