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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Arrgghhhh That too be a shanty in me beliefe! It be covered most famously by that thar dred zeplin me think the name be "pissed and confused" goes sompin like this: Been pissed and confused fer so long it's not true wan ted a wo man never bar gained fer you lots of people talk few of them know soul of a woman was cre a ted be low Any one remembers it?
  2. I believe that song ye be hummin was a pirate shanty were it not? By the Artist fomermy known as Prince? "We're going to party like it's 1699"
  3. Aye good lady and well said and meant of spirit from yer own heart ye be now taking thoise steps outa the lost and into the found ye found yer way and it be a goodly be it known that ye have alot to be proud of most importantly a great handle on the old being anchor cut loose a drift and enterin a new oceanic sized life ahead a ye. Be of safe consequence this holiday little one we be on yer side in all and ever more. Safe harboure to ye. Here the rums not gone!
  4. Mary, Of the nature of men when there is no challenge there is no need! Same can be said fer women but it's a strength thing that comes from practice and a world of knowin ye be the best because ye just know! (after beating a nationally ranked dart throwin bum we calls it high chin rites) It fer certs comes from practice and if life is a game? then Damn it play to win. Hate to loose! I mean absolutely HATE to lose! My signature is my tell all to that. Be with an aire of dignity and proudness that comes from the inside. When i said go give a buck to a bum that was a cop out! An easy way around really saying "do something fer someone" where there is no expense to you. Give yes. Till it hurts F*** no. Give till it feels good and recharge your humanity in small charges all of them ad up and life goes on! Feel good about yourself because you are! Good! Good? Good!
  5. I be born in Granada Spain 1492. Escaped the Moorish defeat being smuggled out and found safe harbour in Portugal where I was to take me first sea job as a cabin boy pon the Middle Sea with Privateer De Gama. Until the year of 15 and 23 I moved bout ship to ship hittin here and taking there and I met 'im in 15 and 58. Me captain for years agin as old as I be, Francis Drake. Though he be thirty and seven years me junior he was magnificent he was. A better Captain i never knew. I became is second mate and fer a time too a cartographer wit him. Fer ten years Drake and I we grew close. By the time in the year 15 and 68 we both nearly escaped certain death in San Juan de Ulloa, I retired. I now work as a skins, pelts and tails trader with me cart in shires al be it 'ere in the West.
  6. Mary Girl! We loves ya I knows ya I loves ya even more! Yes dig it out fer certs and carry yer chin high ye be a woman and womens with that whole mystique 'ave the world by the tail. Never gives in never gives yer all! Start treatin them nasty arsed men/boys (you been chasin round) treats 'em like the scurvy scum suckin bildge water drynkin piles o dung they are. Atart a thread and ask all the attending wenches here what the secret is to keepin a man? I might be so lucky so as to add fer the record right here and now that you never give it all up you keep somethin in reserve never let him know 'es the one if thar be no wonder thar might as well be no plunder! Huzzah! Best of seasons greetins little lady you'll get it it comes with age and persistance not to make the same mistakes.
  7. I mean you want to hug and consol but day after day after day after all what e'r it be that needs to be changed isnt the boys in her life its Mary! We all love her who it is we know her but girl its life and nothin NO THIN is given ye gots ta work fer what ya get. So gets ta work and get whats ya need! A man!
  8. Jesus Mary! Who the Hell doesn't? Get yer sad for all sorry arsed teary eyes out a yer hands and get off the damn couch and go meet a nice guy in a library, or hang out at the local jiffy lube pick yer poison what e'r ya been doin is fer certs not workin out on this continent eh? Like Ireland has stupid men? Just kidding but seriously though! Where is the magical lass in cuffs I remember from The beach of long? Ye must be "barkin at the wrong tree" girl! Go find a new forrest (but not gump) please! If you go back and read all yer posts how many guys on this planet let alone Ireland er gonna want all the unhappy you bring on a weekly basis? Get a new job! Create a new place for you to get some happy into your life. Do something good for someone you don't know. Give a buck to a bum! You must desire a change to implement a change, if what yer doin isn't working stop doin it? Find some self gratification by doing a job well done. Then take it out and smile cause yer worth that smile! Or don't but stop snivling!
  9. Well that was a nice swim. I dries off to find no one around but I can see the main street (if I stand on this here clump of rock) so I scamper up and look to see everyone gone from the lagoon. So i climbes back down and start to dress. (thinking) Mayhaps I should head on into town and find a tavern open for business.
  10. El Segundo Sunday the 12th starting at 1:pm a Christmas Parade from Imperial to Grand all the way down Main. I hears a few 16th Century folk are entered but ya have to be a member of guild Biggins to walks in it ya do. Just the same ifin yer tree is up and yer lights hung as well bring down the kids tis free best I can tell.
  11. So here we go and yes the numbers roll out & the dice be what they are. We'll share a place an event or faire close enough to get there by car!
  12. I tried and I tried I just coul'nt get through all the postings on this fer certs thread. So be told that all the shared shanty's be of similar songs still sung on and today we can hears'em as if they be written in the sea of dreams and heard on the mountains tops. Me Favorite isn't a shanty at all, But a song, a song of freedom and the times. From a place we are and a man now gone. By Bob Marley sung by his Walers tis "Redemption Song". Fer ifin ya can't read the words without singing along in rythm and tempo it be not worth rememberin.
  13. So I 'ave taken these goodly and well shared words and I 'ave sat back down here on the rocks (my feets in the sand) a smile I am with. Me thinks it's time to go fer a swim in the lagoon.
  14. Down side? I guess and it be only in this case ya mayhaps wouldn't know what to do with her?? But then I am thick and with tattered sails meself mayhaps It flew right by me mast and i missed it. Kindly word a little differently so me old mind can understand betters ok El Pirata?
  15. Mary, no needs to be free of madness! I means we are piarates are we not? Tito me ole son, tis a brave man that can speak of heart and passion and love and n'er be troubled by the "others" and what it be that such is thought of! To all our bretheren and sisterin. May God bless and keep all o'yee safe and with health. Watch out for the other guys out there! The Chambers Brothers must a been Pirates fer the song that made them famous was Time Has Come Today, but I rememeber one called Love, Piece and Happiness, and that goes out to all yous.
  16. Mermaid as it be true fer some it be true fer others too and as easy as the womans heart be punctured through by wound of nasty man. It too appens to that thar be a few women which mostly too resembles the heart woundin kind. Tis a wondrous day when they meet and taste their own shared poisens, is it not?
  17. Ifin ye be lookin and findin seems so far away. Take heed sisters may this serve you well. Ye can be philosophycal as all then be alone tis true but ifin ye want my thought i'll share them with you. A man wants a sunday school teacher that turns into a three thousand dollar a night hooker the moment he walks in her door. A man wants organization and facts. A man wants beauty and grace sure footed and pure fun. A man wants his compliment, his missing link, the perfection of time and place that allows his shortcomings to rise to the swell of the tide and beyond. A man wants to be able to give to someone that knows how to say thank you. A man wants the ease and comfort of burping out load or breaking wind on the escalator and looking back to watch the faces as the next people pass through it and having her laugh about it before he does. A man wants love just like a woman wants love up front and all good. And most men wants more than they deserve.
  18. Tito me ole son, The faire was indeed of the most goodly spread and thanks be to thee fer opening up the opportunity to give. You asked fer our wishes and I say this. Wishes and dreams are very important things they be what lives are measuered by and lost too. Tis a time of truth and a time to offer that wondrous thing called love fer sometimes we forget 'owe easy it is to touch that one someones life with a whisper of that which so glouriously flourishes in the lucky to have loved. But think not of what it is we need! Given the only thing we gots sometimes is about all that's needed. Christine I likens yer wish to be of similarity to what yer famlees be needin is a strong and heavy fisted punishment of kindness and love. Laura Tell D ya love her and show her the graph on incomes before graduation and those after. Remember it was Nixon's brother who said it's not what you know it's who ye know. Ifin ye gots it and ye can spare just a little, My wish fer us all is to share it all, everything ye gots is only worth something if ye can give it away.
  19. Coquito is a goodly soundin name fer somthin that does indeed sound as if thar be coconuts in its too? I bet we can be sure on that too! So a feast then an i be right back fer in town I did see a street vendor with a cart of some tantalizingly good lookin fruits and roots we can ave a nice fruit salad and steam some roots, what a wondrous time to share this nice bill o faire.
  20. Say matey's, Is this a pot-luck? I do 'ave this 'ere jug o grog. Mind ifin I buy in the next round.
  21. Wake up Mc Fly, tis the American way! Buy make a profit sell make a profit. Supply and demand! Wait five years and you'll find em fer a quarter in thrift stores. Owe old ye be 9 er 10?
  22. I am not sayin it's the best listed here but I am sayin it's the best listed here that I know! Ya know how I know? It's impossible to read the words without tryin to immitate Bob and actually sing along while reading. Huzzah! From Bob Marley (many years from now.........) "Redemption Song" Old pirates, yes, they rob I; Sold I to the merchant ships, Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit. But my hand was made strong By the 'and of the Almighty. We forward in this generation Triumphantly. Won't you help to sing These songs of freedom? - 'Cause all I ever have: Redemption songs; Redemption songs. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds. Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them can stop the time. How long shall they kill our prophets, While we stand aside and look? Ooh! Some say it's just a part of it: We've got to fulfil de book. Won't you help to sing These songs of freedom? - 'Cause all I ever have: Redemption songs; Redemption songs; Redemption songs. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our mind. Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time. How long shall they kill our prophets, While we stand aside and look? Yes, some say it's just a part of it: We've got to fulfil de book. Won't you help to sing Dese songs of freedom? - 'Cause all I ever had: Redemption songs - All I ever had: Redemption songs: These songs of freedom, Songs of freedom.
  23. Grammercy me lord and ladies! May your nights be warm and yer hearts well kept, in the morn may ye rise best know where ye slept. ye learn from mistakes and we makem yeh fer sure, but when it's love it's simply wondrous and pure.
  24. Twas '60 when I first put to sea I was eight by then i do decree 52 it be me age and I'm ready to war Been in plenty battles only one scar Born in '52 and damn proud to say 17 years in the 60's & sober today Now pass me another ale
  25. I have come back and read here all that's been said and the thing that really gets to me... Is how we as men forget what we'd be without women tis true we'd all be better off dead! But then again as ifin this be a sure fire cure and in her yer lookin for things all part of a list then you'll ne'r see the one fer she'll be a blur then realizing she's leaving you nothing but pissed She's smart, she is funny, laughs right out loud and then stare at your face while you are talking asking for nothing in return for her love She knows of her dreams and where she is going and stands alone with her hair blowing in a breeze She is proud, giving and with unlimited in knowledge and she too needs nothing we seem weak by compare ask her she'll tell you that you might be the one you'd never know it, from a list, hearts aren't won.
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