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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Ok,mates I know I have been away for awhile, but this is the biggest pirate faire in the WORLD, and no count down!? Well me mates, there be 10, I repeat 10 days LEFT!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! YES, I cant wait to see all my mates from the tales of the seven seas, Cascabel, and I haven't even had a chance to see me own bloody crew. Well I got me a faster cyber ship and things be finally slowin down, so all you lowly dogs will be seeing a bit more o me. Let the blood and rum flow!
  2. DA DADADA DA DADA! Pirate Petee Defender of the boot here. I have a pair of caboots and they are awesome. Good quality, museum replicas sells a pretty good pair as well.
  3. Unfortunatly those guys don't have cool costumes. When we went they were envious.
  4. I've seen this guy at a lot of fairs in So Cal, he goes as Jack and I guess makes his own hats. He actually made a Jack Sparrow hat out of Louis Vutton material for his girlfriend, only in Cali. But his Jack hats look pretty spot on. JAck Sparrow Hat
  5. The people with the witness protection program are going to be pissed. They've relocated me three times since June.
  7. Ultimate Show Down
  8. Rouge, you are awesome.
  9. :) This is trippy, I was just checking this out. We got muther F'n Snakes!
  11. Flippin, Hung "the F" Over.
  12. Found it, but in my opinion they look a bit silly and very over priced. Hats
  13. I saw a site just the other day that has some leather tricorns. Let me see if I can find it again.
  14. Thats not leather, love. Thats treated felt. From CAptain Jacks. Hats He makes some really good quality hats. Most are Very period and authentic looking. They are felt so they fit and form good, they don't look all over sized akward and frumpy. With the wax and oiled kind they are water proofed too.
  15. I could take that in so many ways.
  16. Major Scruff
  17. ^NAme reminds me of a shotgun
  18. It looked kinda like a thing that a gunner captain might wear, don't remember the name of it though.
  19. Aye, it be good ta be seein yer crew again. No more maroonin though.
  20. Harley Harley made of chrome, ride it a block, then push it home.
  21. Diego was trying to point you out for me , but he couldn't find you. Sorry
  22. ^ don't drink her gypsey juice, it'll mess you up.
  23. I’m not conceited, I'm convinced. :) :)
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