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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Thanks for all the kind words, its good to be back. Now I have to go wrestle my slops from my wife.
  2. mmmm.....beer
  3. Perparin ta set sail! Part O me crew be raidin Corona tomorrow, they be open til 9
  4. When I made my Carbide canon, I mixed a little bit of sand in with the paint for texture, works pretty good.
  5. Cool, thanks for clearing that up for me fellas. When I first saw the thread I thought like Sex Pistols meets a sona.
  6. Um..... what is steam punk?
  7. First off let me start by saying what the hell happened to the pub? I was going to reply to everyone on the Drunken Sword Fight post, but it seems to have disappeared. So this is a reply to all those who had questions. I have been good, making babies and buying houses, well making a baby and buying a house, and all that other grown up stuff that I have been running from that eventually caught up to me, but I love it. I haven't been to an event since Ojai 07, and just recently went Southern last weekend, and had a blast, saw Kent there, or Diego for all the old school out there, he's doing good. The better half didn't feel like going to Southern Cali events while pregnant, but now he is old enough for nana to babysit. So I am back. Missed you all and can't wait to see you guys again. PETEE!
  8. First off what the hell happened to the pub, I know its been awhile, but Jeez? Second, a little farther south and you could have really had the need for a patch. Nice Scar
  10. Kenneth, you guys look great.
  11. http://www.tswittelsbach.com/ringscalvaris...usplatinum.html
  12. I have been looking for this dvd everywhere, for the longest time. Any one have an idea where to find it?
  13. Ok, I need some help, looking for large ornate belt and or baldric buckles. Any Ideads?
  14. Cheers Patrick Cool
  15. Hopefully they will kill them before then.
  16. To each his own I guess, like I said reality is relative, what may be fun to some, is not fun to others, what real pirate is to some is not what a real pirate is to others. Classify if you must, but I think that there is just to much gray space to lump it in to two groups, for me at least. If two pirate categories is fine for some people, well then cool. Being from the west coast we don't get too many living history events, dealing with pirates at least. I do however live near the garment district in Los Angeles, where they have all sorts of material for really cheap prices.
  17. I don't know I guess reality is relative. I still take "Hollywood Pirate" as a derogatory remark, even if it isn't meant to be, I don't know why, just me I guess. Maybe because, there are a lot of horrible looking costumes, that came out in some films, or maybe that the common public conception of a pirate has been around well before the first silent film had been made. And to be thrown into that lot kinda puts me off. True I do this for fun and since I suffer from ataraxia I could care less what someone thinks of or has to say about my kit. But if someone at an event says "Thats a hollywood pirate, he doesn't look like a real pirate", I ain't gonna give the guy a hug. I don't get offended, but thats kind of a dick thing to say. I don't really classify peoples kits, to me it looks good or it doesn't, "to me" being the key words. In mister Pyles defense, I have alot of his art and most of them are what the safe assumption of what pirates looked like. If we do need to put "Jack Sparrow and Howard Pyle Pyrates" into a classification I would say that "pirate myth" is a better term, not saying thats not what they looked like, but its debatable. Cheers
  18. Fight for what ya love not what ya hate, fight fire with water, only way to put out the fire. Aint nothin a cold ber can't solve. Then again I sufer from Ataraxia.
  19. Either awy, very nice, well done mate. Cheers
  20. RH patterns ARE authentic. Yeah I was talking about the simplicity.
  21. My garb, damn I hate that word, well lets see. One cotton shirt, and one linen, the cottons home made. Two waistcoats, one brownish linen the other lt. grey wool and linen, both home made. One pair slops" canvas i think" home made One pair navy blue knee breeches, french fly. One navy blue wool frock, with black canvas cuffs and pockets, lined with black silk, home made Two bandanas or whatever you want to call them, both linen, one black and the other navy. One neck thingy, same material as the navy bandana. Two sashes, natural fabric can't tell what though, one navy and gold withe a pattern, the other, black and grey stripes Two tri-corns, one black felt with some water proof treatment, the other out of straw. One pair black leather buckle shoes and one pair Big Floppy black leather boots. This list does not include all the weapons, belts baldrics and other accesories. I'll post pics later. Cheers HAPPY FRIDAY!
  22. Knowing fox he probablly hand forged the steel and carved the wood himself.
  23. Always interested. You can turn that patten into an authentic one with a few simple alerations. Check out GOF's web site.
  24. Don't worry mates, I'm not taking any offence. Just stating that there is a lot of gray space.
  25. Tge crew and I will be there.
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