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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. I used to be a part of Pirates of Treasure Cove, was actually one of the founding members. For now my crew and I are just on are own. We didn't go to Ojai last year, due to the fact that my wife was about to pop. So its been about two years since we have been and I can not wait to go. I will definitely say hello Kenneth and to the rest of the pub members that I haven't seen in awhile.
  2. Whos to say you can't just camp out there dressed as pirates.
  4. 22!..22 MORE DAYS! The double duece
  5. Love the original
  6. Nice blade, EYE. Great job Matt, you sir are an artist. Whats this saturday?
  8. The first weekend, talk like a pirate weekend. It was a tough decision, there is a lot going on that weekend. But my heart belongs in Ojai
  9. 35!!!!!!
  10. Have any of you heard about this kid? http://www.zacsunderland.com I have kinda been checking his site from time to time, but he completed his circumnavigation. He is the youngest person to SOLO CIRCUMNAVIGATE the GLOBE! Man, what a set on that kid. My hats off to ya mate. Definatly picking up the DVD.
  12. speaking of sailing around the world, anyone hear of this kid. http://www.zacsunderland.com/ My new hero
  13. wait, whats goin on in california? I dont think i know any of these guys
  14. To RUMBA! HAppy Birthday, its been to long since I have had a drink with ya, OJAI!
  15. ....now which way is this Ojia??? North.... 57 MORE DAYS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  16. Wow! this is a super bad ass ray gun! Very cool! You sir are an artist.
  17. First off, that movie had the best billy bones ever who was probably the best pirate ever on the big screen. Second BOOOOOOOOOOTS!
  18. HAppy B-day shipmate.
  19. You could always walk around in cut off BDU's holding an AK and wearing a bandana.
  20. Pirate Petee


    The man, the myth
  21. From the album: Petee

  22. From the album: Petee

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