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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Oh.. I've been here and there. That is impresive, you and jack build that? Anyway its a beautiful ship. I'll miss you guys. For sure next year!
  2. Of course next year mate, come hell or high water, I'll be drinkin wit Mr. Hand at Ojai. Miss ya matie. Fair winds Mr. hand, tell everyone from the pub I said hey, Oh and to have a drink for me.
  3. Man that looks like a hell of a lot of fun, FENCING!!! and no not selling stolin stuff.
  4. JUST KIDDING..... Just wanted to get ya'll attention, to those I haven't seen in awhile. MISS YOU GUYS! OH MAN, I know I got some of your slops all up in a bunch.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Made YA Look!
  5. Where can ya find one of these fine blades?
  6. OJAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahoy maties, its been awhile. All is well and I've missed ya all. Me mates and I will be up at ojai the last weekend, tis da only tide we can set sail on. I've been workin on a special project to unveil up at ojai, but alas it won't be ready then. It be me 12' sailin skiff da MAKO. It'll be sailin up there next year, canons and all. Anyway to all the pub members that I'll miss the first weelkend, have a shot o rum for me and to all the pub members there the last weekend have a shot o rum with me. ACE!!! can't wait ta see ya and have a drink with ya, but ta be honest I'm a little bummed no vodoo booth, I was hopin to purchace a a shrunkin head from ya, but good to see ya again none the less. Oh and Rumba........ YAAAHHHHAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!
  7. I think thats part of your new musket in the pic Patrick.
  8. Happy Birthday Matey
  9. I dont know who took this picture, but he captured my true inner pirate.
  10. ONE MORE DAY! God I hope the winds don't change. I'm going to have my wife do a rain dance, hey shes part native american.
  11. I be sailin up as well, but if its too smokey I'll be comin about, I do enough damage to my lungs as it it is . I dont need any help. 3 MORE DAYS!!!!!
  12. "Drooling" I am not starting anything, all I'm goimg to say is that there is enough proof for me, and they they were probably not common. "Don't make the common rare and the rare common", right guys.
  13. Lookin forward to it Ace. We will have to share an ale or rum together.
  14. Joint!? Jamica?! Sorry guys I couldn't resist.
  15. Hey, we missed yu guys too. Hopefully I will be around for awhile now.
  16. I LOVE ZOMBIE MOVIES! These movies will never get old next to pirates and samurai, nothing comes close to takin out zombies.
  18. Nope nope nope portland, Oja! 10 days almost 9!
  19. Dude, that dude, is smokin weed. Trust me. That is the classic joint pinch.
  20. YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Next to bruce campell he is my hero.
  21. No way, that dude is tokin. :)
  22. I was too busy looking for boots. Yeah, i've seen this one, never in such good quality, its awesome. Hows everyone doing.
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