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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. Hang on you'll be okay i be promising ya good luck on the big screen
  2. dont be like that
  3. well watch it would ya for sometimes i like being silly but her i'm serious
  4. Dropkick is a pathedic attempt at good music in my opinion, its just noise to me one might as well take a sledge hammer and beat it on a glass window i dont know if i would tell the diffrence.... but then again i have a bias opinion now dont i.
  5. why do you say that toecutter i mean i havent seen them live but my friend said that they were awsome when he saw them at i think he said the house of blues
  6. wow thats a tuff one.....
  7. i would go naturaly to meet pirates in my area but unfortunatly i have work that day
  8. what did i do to you? that makes you such a boggard to me?
  9. i know ye be havin a jest at my expense but truly i've been through stages where i have literaly worn a man out and he didnt even get a kiss for it... *sigh* ah memories... when i say that i am wild its because i am... i was reared to be a challange by the first boy to try to tame me. Thats why when i know a man shows interest i tell him straight up that you "Really like disapointment dont you"
  10. aye i agree with hurricane i actually found someone who would join a group i started but i'm pretty sure he was only foolin.... to quote him "If you were my wench love i'd join the crew"
  11. if i were to do such a thing it would be fall and like 2006
  12. I cant believe i didnt find this place sooner trajically i shall remain single forever i fear for no man can handle this bloody mary!
  13. oh i love that song i dose me friend plays it on his guitar and i sing at school ofcourse he's more of a gypse then a pirate
  14. I be located in southern california and want to find a crew that would be acceptin me... I know about the one in san fransisco but i dont think i can go up there very often if at all.
  15. I be trying to do the same i have some ideas but no people sad? yes perhaps 19 is too young to be trying to create something of my own especially in a place where everyone looks down on me for what i see as fun.
  16. Tis a real bute of a sword i hope ye enjoys it
  17. Well i'm glad ye found some help there lass and good luck on extending your posterier
  18. that be quite an interestin crew you got there mate
  19. Agreed. I think. I guess it depends on your definition of THE MAn. Do you mean The Man, or Da Man? yes but see these are acctually fun with rulles cause just running around with one making sound effects (okay so thats what i do with my legos!) is silly
  20. Keelhaul wench but that really sounds like its ment for a girl group now dosnt it
  21. seeing as i cant carry a tune in a bucket i think i'll stick to the audence
  22. i must confesse i have not seen it
  23. ah i see and as for escondido faires i believe i'm going to the one on halloween
  24. tis nice clothin love unfortunatly i'll be stickin with me dress for a while longer yet.
  25. then we are lost to get pour the rum lets get saused
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