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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. no i am alone for in my world the black spot is a note saying i like you
  2. i think more then the forementioned comment i like me mates most of all
  3. if ye be talken to me its mary not molly
  4. i might be able to help the 23 but thats a big might
  5. that be why we can smell ye comming lads...
  6. capt z you never can pass up a chanse to anoy me... And i do agree with Hawkins the computer is nice but i'd rather be in the water or down by the beach.
  7. There be no cheering today i gave me mate a black spot and am expecting to see him at 5
  8. Well right now me favorite thing is being a wench for my friends lol its fun cause i'll be siting at school and frankie can walk up and all i need to hear is "where be my wench?!"
  9. Tis lovely and most beautiful and i thought the adj in japanesse for wonderful/splended/wow was rippa
  10. good luck mate i have a problem finding boots too my legs are a bit hard to fit for most boots
  11. *sips her rum slowly* ~yo ho yo ho a lonely life for me~
  12. personally i identify with this so much heres what i do basically your dealling with a little shit who hides in the shadow of his brother.... not a problem but you must make your insult directly to him dont go into his hole family ie the use of the mother. Stick it close to home say for instance "eh, small brain small dick" for some reason this really hurts guys at my school....
  13. thanks that last comment made my day
  14. Its double berrel believe me and a 40 (c cup that is) lol
  15. we look bloody lonely cause some of us are love
  16. LESTAT You still want death? Or have you tasted it enough? (interview with a vampire)
  17. such beauty before mine eyes
  18. I'm not for either myself but i'm just a local serving wench.... personally a good dagger and definatly an axe works just fine for persons of low morality.
  19. i've been lookin for that mp3 for months!
  20. so much stuff!
  21. everyones a critic
  22. I dont really like to carry but i be a wench *pats her chest* these be the only wepon i need
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