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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney
ah rouge i'm filled with mixed emotions for ya... but i'm the same boat
Thanks i really need it
well i have decided that i dont really need someone right now
Fireworks?!?! WOOO HOO! *Pulls out a blowtorch* I'm ready! Mary luv, try to enjoy your New Years and not think too much on this confusing man. You are a wonderfully fun person I'm sure you have something awesome planned for the big night. If not go make some plans with your mates! Party hard! I'm sorry.... i dont mean to be so dramatic
Fireworks?!?! WOOO HOO! *Pulls out a blowtorch* I'm ready! Mary luv, try to enjoy your New Years and not think too much on this confusing man. You are a wonderfully fun person I'm sure you have something awesome planned for the big night. If not go make some plans with your mates! Party hard! I would have made have made plans with them but they left town early this morning and decided not to tell me... so parting gard means dinner for one and apple cider that i hade planed to make for them. I went out but every where people where with there friends and i wasnt.
happy new years guys -the lonely soul
Um.... i know that friendship doesnt always end in bed! Excuse me for guarding my heart for once. He just worries me cause he dose have past issues and thats part of what draws me to him. In fact on the above note i have no desire of that nature because i know hes not like that nor is he ready to become involved in that way.
Take heart sir ye shall grow from this and remeber what dosnt kill you only requires brief hospitalization
"i've heard it..." mumbles mary from the rock sit there croched down like the creature golum. "The reason i am so is i dont see how someone who is in a commited relationship and says that he cant cheat on his girlfriend can cuddle up to another woman. Have feelings for that same woman. Be there for her and care about her. Then turn around and hurt her, the woman hes not dating that is. It boggles the mind."
Mary runs in with her scarf dangling from her hips begains to climb a large rock once on the top she screams. "Sorry about that everyone i'm just pissed and confused."
thats nothing try this one my grandpa made prime rib and as it was cooking he comes out and asks my dad if he wants to see this big hunk of meat.
"it be christmas and i be wanten to party"
thank ye so much
awe so glad you liked it
"Har har! Merry christmas to all" Marry took out her dancing scarf and began to dance on the rock.
oh i live in souther cali and i just cant seem to find a good workshop or even a half decent website.
sure it be thee opposite reason i hasn't gone... fer i won't be goin' to a place like that with a male friend... i would feel kinda fruity ridin' on mr. toad! i supose it would and ye be very welcome sir
Mary scampers in and sneaks a box filled with all kinds of diffrent chocolates from around the world next to Merry with a note attached to it that reads "Find yourself something sweet even if you have to travel the world to find it." Next she slunks over to rogue and slips her a new flask filled with spiced rum on the cover engraved is "If they make you cry they aint real pirates!" Then she continues on to captian scurvy dog and to him she slips a few chocolate kisses into his pocketses when he ait lookin. Lets see did i miss any one? oh wait how could i forget carefully she pins a stocking stuffed with chocolate and aroma therapy candels for calm on the wall labeld laura silver touch and die signed Bonney-claus
I wanted to know if any one here knows how or can point me in the direction of how to make a home made bound book you see as a present for my friends b-day in aug i want to make her a pirate book of all our adventures and i really want it to look authentic ya know please help!
o'corse theres some for you pours a little somethin special from her flask into rougues tankard.
Mary climbed a very high rock and stood on the summit smiling out looking at the water, the wind picking up bit and pieces of her signature black dress. She could feel the wind carring the smell of the water as it rushed across her face. "Today i am going to start over" whispered with a smile droping a bottle into the water inside it carried a not to some one she had long since lost. "I got to give it up, he aint coming back" she smiled with a sigh and it was on that rock she cryed her last tear for him. "Well tomarrow is another day and i have to get started if i am going to right the wrongs that have pleged me over the last few months. I'm not going to lose Diego. I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE!"
you know ifin i had a gold coin for every one who said that to me i'd be richer than that bill gates feller! Captain Scurvy Dog i shall have top remeber to give you a bell next time for i go so rarely from lack of escort unless ye count me vehicle (ford escort zx2). It sounds weird but i usually dont go to those places because i was raised (in faire) that a true lady is never unacompanied by a gentleman.
Dont worry rougue i'm not really going to get tangled with the likes of a fellow pirate. truth be told i much do prefer a man of honor who is willing to fight for mine.
Sounds like what happened to me sis's little friend the dog didnt mean no harm just to bring its master a present is all. She dosnt blame him none o'corse.
*Stumbles in laughing* Well now i seem to have found my little safe haven again. How have ye all been? Single? well alls well that ends well.... Any way, i just got in from work over at the coffee whore establishmen5t. So much energy for being up at 3 in the morning i might go to disneyland.... find me a "real" pirate...